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Kaitlyn's POV

"Why am I here again?" Maddie groaned blinking clearly irritated with the brown contacts I'm making her wear, but we can't risk these adults finding where their kid is going. Truth is she's never one to join me on recruitment missions, or leave the mansion actually. She's becoming a lot more like Peter, a hermit that wants to be left alone, but instead of a basement she has a mansion that's equipped with several people who will spoil her endlessly.

Today however, I'm picking up a young man that's already agreed to come to the school. So I'm expecting today to be an easy going mission.

"Because I love spending time with you." I coo pinching her cheek, and when she shoves me away I raise a single eyebrow feeling my eyes heat up meaning they've turned orange. She simply just scoffs the trick no longer freaking her out, and instead she just purses her lips and I suddenly feel extremely cold.

"I could be training." She releases her hold on my powers turning a cold shoulder to me, and I feel the fire that's always waiting to be set free heat back up under my skin. "That's your grandfathers speaking." It seems she's never doing anything else these days, but before I can comment the door to the suburban home opens.

The woman that greets us has that typical stay at home mom look to her. Her brown hair is short and styled so it's a little puffy. Her smile is tight, but you can tell she's trying to hide those lines with make up. She's also annoyed that we've disturbed her, and I'm assuming Maddie can hear her thoughts.

She doesn't look to pleased herself.

"Hi, I'm Kaitlyn Xavier-Maximoff, one of the professor's from the school your son has been accepted into." I keep my kind smile up as she goes through multiple emotions upon realizing who I am. "Oh please do come in, sorry for the mess."

Stepping into her house I realize mess means the rug is slightly slanted, and everything else is in its proper place. "This is Madalyn, my daughter, she's your son's age." I explain noticing how she keeps eyeing my daughter, who's rubbing at her eyes, like she's a puzzling anomaly.

The woman's eyebrows raise now taking her time to look me over, and I stand patiently waiting hoping she can't see the twitch in my eye. Really I'm used to the shock and inspections that come with saying Maddie's mine, but they still bother me. I'm nearly thirty, so is it ever going to end?

"Really?" She muses tiredly gesturing to her couch like we're all of a sudden bothering her. "I'll go get my son." She glances back once more, and then looked up like she's trying to calculate what our age difference may be.

"She was judging us." Maddie leans over to murmur once she's left, and I chuckle softly admiring how protective she can get. She's never liked people prejudging anyone in our family, and if she's antagonized to do it she'll call anyone out.

"It's alright Mads, I'm used to it."

"That doesn't make it right," her voice is heavy and to mature for her age, but that's just the Xavier in her. "I just really want to deck her," and there's the Lehnsherr/Maximoff.

"Ladies I'd like to introduce you to my son Robert Drake." Maddie's mouth drops but just as quickly snaps shut, and we both stand to face our hostesses like we weren't just talking about them. "Call me Bobby," he quickly interjects looking back at his mom like she's the bane of his existence.

"Professor Xavier or Maximoff, I answer to both." I laugh and he relaxes a little as I do to, at least until his mom places her hands on his shoulders reminding him of her presence. He really needs to get out of here.

"Madalyn Maximoff, but you can call me Maddie." My eyes snap over to Maddie as she stumbles over her words. Her now dull brown eyes are zoned in on Bobby's blue ones, and the poor boy seems completely oblivious. Which is probably for the best because she's staring like he placed the stars in the sky. It's been a few years since she got over her playground crush on John, so this was bound to happen

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