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Kaitlyn's POV

"And we all say... Oh! Well I never was there ever a cat so clever as magical mister Mistoffelees..." Max finishes taking off his top hat with a dramatic bow, and Maddie and I meet him with over the top applause.

"Bravo! Bravo!" Maddie cheers sweeping him off his feet spinning the both of them around. They're so supportive of each other, and I just want to hold onto these moments forever because I know in a few short years they'll be at each other's throats as moody teenagers.

Peter and I took the kids to see Cats this past weekend, and ever since Max hasn't stopped singing. He has a love of musicals and often, has my dad's old ones playing on one, or all, of the TV's. It's actually really cute when there's not something you want to watch because he bounces from room to room singing with each one never missing a beat.

Maddie prefers rock, Smashmouth is a new favorite, and she was over the moon when Peter let her have his old headphones.

"C'mon you two, your classes start in a few minutes." Maddie, now being twelve, groans her long brown hair falling over her face like a dark cloud. While Max throws his hat across the room in excitement adjusting the little baby blue bow tie that's tucked under his shirt collar. So far getting ready for school is his favorite thing to do, he loves trying to make himself look better than the other kids.

Erik once teased saying it was a little girly, but one quick glare from me and he never mentioned it again. Actually now he goes out of his way to compliment Max, and even lets him pick out his clothes. Since Erik sucks at it I guess it's how they bond, Max's powers haven't come out yet so he looks for any excuse to spend time with his grandpa's.

"Fabolous as always Maxie." Maddie sighs patting the top of his head knowing very well he'll freak out if she ruffles it. "Thank you sis, and I guess you look okay." He looks over her worn jeans, gray shirt, and faded yellow and black flannel with a grimace on his sweet child face. Honestly I agree Maddie can look kind of homely on days, but I'm much better at hiding it.

"Maddie come on, I don't want to be late for class." I whip around to see Clarice popping out a portal pulling Maddie along with her as she takes off sprinting to the classroom around the hall. "Did you eat breakfast Clarice?" I shout down the hall smirking when she pauses slightly making Maddie come to a skidding halt. When she never responds I toss an apple to her.

It's no wonder she's nearly late each morning. She sleeps in everyday, and stil makes sure to style her purple tinted hair. Her sweater matches her eyes, and it's clear she spent time picking out the plaid skirt to go with it. In my mind it's a miracle they're such good friends, staring at them now it's like night and day.

"Let's go Maxie, Aunt Raven's probably looking for you."


Maddie's POV

"John I swear if you ask me for one more answer I'm going to clog your brain with images of your dad eating tacos." I mumble under my breath keeping my head down so Hank doesn't see my lips moving. "Why would you do that?" Evan flinches from behind us.

"Because she's pure evil, and knows nothing is more scaring than my father eating messy and loud food." Feeling triumphant I turn back to my quiz, but there's another poke at my side. Keeping my rage at bay I turn to my tormentor wondering why I always allow him to sit next to me when he drives me absolutely insane.

"I can't find my lighter-" the panic that struck in his eyes had me soften a little bit knowing he liked to play with it when stressed over school. So I stop him reaching into his coat pocket that's slung over his seat pulling it out, I just know that's where it always is if it's not in his hand even if he forgets that.

Gasoline- Sequel To It All Started That One DayWhere stories live. Discover now