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Kaitlyn's POV

"Sh-sh..." I chuckle going over to Max's play pen where he's bouncing up and down a pout fixed on his lip's as he reaches for me. This is now our process for whenever he wants my attention, and I blame his father. The shushing however I'm not sure where he picked that up from, but I guess I am shushing him a lot.

"Mommy needs to finish her grading." I chuckle rocking my baby boy of six months lightly. "But I guess daddy and your papas are working too." I sigh sitting back down trying to write corrections on these English papers with one hand.

I'm only able to get through a single one when someone starts to obnoxiously knock on my classroom door. "Mom!" I sigh just as one calms down the other starts to act up I guess. "Come in Maddie."

"Cassidy keeps saying I have to invite her to my party, and I don't want to." She scowls the door barely open before she's already on her tyrant. Calmly I wait for her to calm down before asking the question, that I think I already know the answer to. "Now why don't we want to invite Cassidy?"

"She told Johnny that my purple eyes and Clarice's green eyes make us look like frogs." She's fuming, purple eyes ablaze like mine get when they're lit up. "I'm sure John doesn't think that." I try to argue but she throws her hands up in defeat, and I look down to Max for support but he's sleeping.

Peter and I have been struggling with grasping Maddie's first round of school problems, and having a newborn isn't making anything easier especially when my significant other has obligations to protect the world.

So mainly I'm the one dealing with these kids on top of my own because it's not like anyone else has the time or patience to do so.

It's hard because there's only five of them grouped together, and while Maddie and John are both the same age, Cassidy is a year younger, and Clarice and Evan are both a year older. The problem comes in that we don't have enough students to give them individual grades, so kindergarten through second are grouped together.

I also think Maddie has a crush on John, she's still embarrassed and young and won't admit it, and Cassidy being younger and constantly teasing her in front of him is pushing her buttons.

"Why do my powers have to come with creepy eyes?" She scoffs catching my attention, and now I stand but only to pull her down in my lap. "Your eyes are beautiful, and don't you think you're being a little selfish?" I hate being harsh with her but if I'm not who else is going to teach her these life lessons?

It's mine and Peter's job after all to make sure she grows up humble. Which is harder than you would expect with her familial ties.


"Sh-sh-sh," Max grumbles blue eyes glaring across at his big sister. I have him snuggled into my left arm, and her wrapped in my right.  "See even your brother thinks you're being ridiculous." I laugh Max mimicking me, but she's not amused and instead crosses her arms.

"How do you think Aunt Raven feels, or Kurt? Say something like that around them and it might hurt their feelings." I explain heaving a sigh of relief as she nods. "I guess purple eyes are better than daddy's silver hair." She whispers the faintest of smiles poking out from the corner of her mouth.

"Now I like your father's hair, it's unique." I'm making faces at Max so I can't see her reaction, but I'm sure it's priceless. "There's people that love your eyes because it's just another part of you that no one else has." Her pink tinted cheeks and the way she ducks her head reminds me of Peter, he does the same thing.

"And John is stupid if he doesn't think you're cute."



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