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Kaitlyn's POV

Two lines

Which only means one thing...

But this couldn't have come at a worse time. I've only had these powers for four months, and I've only been without the collar for three.

I have to be careful, when I sneeze little baby flames still shoot out of my nose, and a few weeks ago I coughed and set my entire body on fire which is why now all of my clothes are fireproof. But the baby inside me isn't, my skin can hold fire, but I know if I'm not paying attention my body will turn into a fiery gas.

What happens to everything inside of me when my body is a gaseous flame!?!

Peter of course is going to be ecstatic, so will the rest of our family, but I deserve to be happy as well. Why does it feel like this happens only when we're being irresponsible, is the universe just that against us they want to make sure all of our foolish moments are remembered?


Four months along

Kaitlyn's POV

"Dang Kait, you're eating as much as Peter." I glower at Scott's comment my spoon still stuck between my lips. "It's still weird your eyes do that when you get emotional, your glare was scary enough." He shudders waving his own utensil at me in the air, and I close my eyes taking a moment before I'm sure the two little suns have disappeared.

"It's just as rude to comment on a woman's dietary habits as it is her weight." Kurt pipes up poking Scott in the process with his fork that... He's using to eat soup? "Exactly, but I suppose I will get a second helping to make Kait feel less uncomfortable." Ororo laughs and now I'm shaking my head utterly confused by the chaos that's going on around me.

"But Kaitlyn's on her third- ow!" Jean elbows Peter making him shriek, and I lean back not wanting to be accidentally hit. This would be the perfect time to tell them, but I kind of want to see how long it takes them to figure it out.

I guess this proves that Jean and my dad do actually stay out of our minds.


Kaitlyn's POV

I'm wrapping the banister with steamers and Charles is helping me set up the the food on the fold out table we brought out. Today Maddie is turning six, but right now she's in the danger room with Peter working on her powers a little more.

She's got great control for someone who's only six, and my dad says it's because her powers aren't always turned on so she doesn't always have to worry. However Peter says it's because he always had great control of his speed, so it must be genetic.

There's a loud knock on the door, and before I can move an inch it's thrown open. Lorna who's glowering worse than I am with my mood swings, that no one knows about, stomps in. Magda who looks like she's dragging herself waves her youngest off, and instead focuses on me trying to make herself look less dead.

"How are yooo...." She trails off her steps slowing with her words as she stops completely and her eyes sweep over me. "Oh my god you're pregnant!"

"Magda I'm sorry, but what?" Charles asks his lip twitching as he tries to keep his voice from rising. "She's clearly preg- wait... You didn't tell anyone!" She shouts picking up a discarded teen magazine and swatting me on the head. "Kaitlyn again? Didn't we learn the first time?" My father groans, and curl in on myself like a small child forgetting for a second that I'm a full grown adult.

Gasoline- Sequel To It All Started That One DayDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora