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Erik's POV

"Now sometimes we have to give Mommy and Daddy time alone. They're kids after all and should have fun, but not too much fun then I'll end up with another you... Not that I don't love you..."


I look up from Maddie's confused purple eyes to see Charles is waiting in the entrance of the kitchen staring me down. "What exactly are you doing?"

"Why Charles I thought you were supposed to be the smart one." I chuckle playfully adjusting Maddie so she's on my hip, but he continues to look up at me like I've lost it. "The more we talk to her the sooner she'll start talking." I explain slowly, and really it'd be best if she said her first real word now. Kaitlyn's been going crazy because she hasn't yet.

"Ah, she is being stubborn isn't she?" He asks as he rolls over to me, and I set her in his lap. She gurgles reaching up to smack his head still confused by his lack of hair that she would really like to pull. "That's a trait she's picked up from your side of the family I assume."

"And let's hope Charles she gets your ever so charming wit." I shoot back with a sickly sweet smile sarcasm oozing off of me. "We can only hope, after all her Maximoff and Lehnsherr genes are starting take over." He chuckles running a hand through her dirty blonde hair that's slowly turning brown.

"Much to Kaitlyn's disappointment." He adds with a smirk.

"Oh really?" I sit down crossing my arms while leaning back because I don't believe I've heard this story. "Yes she said, I carried her inside me for nine months she should look like me." I nod grinning slightly because that does sound like something the poor girl would say while distressed or in a mood.

"How's schmoozing the president going?" I ask just in a mood to make small talk on our quiet Sunday since most of the students are out. "Well... Let's say I've made progress. They're talking to me... Slightly."

"And all it took was us taking down an anti mutant group that was targeting a large human hospital that agreed to shelter mutants." We both look up Raven waltzing in with Hank on her tail, and she quickly snatches Maddie from Charles's lap before he can stop her.

"Well it's a start." Hank adds all of us stopping him to laugh as Maddie pulls Ravens hair. "Thank you Hank." Charles somehow gets out, and I know he's just grateful someone else is positive.

"The problem is for now they will tolerate us so we can do their bidding, but as soon as one unstable mutant makes a mistake we'll all be at fault." I look across the table at them to see all of their heads are bowed their minds trying to piece together an answer.

"I know you don't agree with me Erik..."

"You're right I don't, but I'm willing to keep my nose out of it for my family." The tone of my voice tells the other adults in the room that it's time they drop the subject, and they sit in a slightly awkward silence the only thing any of us hear are the faint echoes of the several kids in the manor.

"Hank where's the baby?" I ask nervously my eyes finally realizing that his arms are empty, and so are Charles and Raven's. "What do you mean? I set her in Charles's..." He stops voice falling as his eyes also lock on Charles's empty lap

"Charles read her mind! Find out where she is!" I panic carefully pacing around the kitchen to make sure she's not hiding somewhere in here. "Or we can just look for her like normal people." Hank sighs in a duh tone moving on from the kitchen to the dining room to right.

"He's got a point she's a baby, she couldn't have gotten that far." Raven agrees following, but for a baby that's just started crawling Maddie moves quickly and she's a sneaky thing.

There's a crash in the living room, and all at once we try to squeeze through the kitchen door. However once we get to the room the only evidence that she was there is the knocked over side table. "Charles where is she?" I ask trying to keep my voice down as Raven helps me out everything back together.

"I'm not sure, she's blocking me out." He groans wheeling himself over into the next room, and I drop the plastic vase following him. "She's a baby Charles!" Raven scolds voicing exactly what I'm feeling. "I don't want to hurt her!" He responds quickly.

We continue to wander around the mansion following the trail of chaos she left behind , and the longer we do this the more I'm starting to worry. "She's in the elevator!" He finally cheers and we all race to it, the students standing by thinking we've lost it.

The disappointment returns however when the door opens and she's not there. "She's heading to Peter and Kaitlyn's room." Charles explains as we all pack into the elevator praying that he's right, and that's hopefully where she'll stop. Since from that point her only exit other than the door is the window.

Thankfully when we throw open the door to Kaitlyn and Peter's room she's there, but not just her. It seems the triplets ran into her at some point, and brought her up here to sleep. "We found her in front of the elevator falling asleep." The young girl in the middle explains emotionlessly before they all three walk past us in perfect step.

"We don't have to tell them that three kids were more responsible than us right?" Hank asks as we watch Maddie sleep clearly tuckered out from her adventure, and our heart rates all return to normal.


Peter's POV

"Katie, stop worrying I'm sure the super dad's had shit handled." I try my best to soothe, but I'm kinda lying through my teeth because this is the first time I personally have been away from Maddie other than for school. "And that's another dollar in the swear jar Peter Maximoff."

"Babe c'mon, it's not like Maddie's around." I whine pulling on her sleeve adding to the charade. "I swear sometimes I don't know which one is the child." She mumbles entering the mansion leaving me behind.

"Well if it makes it any better, I had a really good time tonight." I chuckle running up the stairs three at a time, but when I catch sight of her smile I miss the last step to distracted to focus and fall on my face.

"I had a great night, but that just made it so much better." She giggles while helping me stand, and I swear I'd fall down an entire staircase to hear her do that again.

Her hand is still clutching mine as we round the corner to our room, and come face to have with our fathers. "I hope you two had fun tonight." My dad starts seeming more tense than he usually is.

"But not too much fun, we don't want another one." Charles laughs tensely meaning something definitely is going on, it went wrong. "I hope Maddie wasn't too much trouble." Kaitlyn pipes up worriedly dragging us past our dads and into our room only to see the said trouble maker sitting peacefully, and still in one piece.

"No trouble at all." Charles continues and my dad agrees coming over to give me a hug before whisking the other man away.

"That was weird right?"


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