"It's something much more important though, and I don't know how you'll react but I'm just asking you to promise me that you won't kill any of us or hate us for the rest of your life. Please." He put out his pinky making her look down at it smiling

She's always taken those serious

As they walked down the flight of stairs they turned to a dark corner coming to the end of the hallway. They reached two doors that had a security panel placed next to them asking for a thumbprint and face scan.

"Access granted" the voice spoke opening the doors leading them to the large group of men sitting in the dark room lit up by a few lights

"Oh my gosh" she whispered

"Oh my gosh" Jungkook whispered watching the two walk in being watched by everyone

They sat down and waited for one of the six to speak

"Welcome Asia" Taehyung spoke smiling, it looked regretful though

I knew why

And this wouldn't end well

For any of them

She waved softly showing him a toothy grin

My heart burned a little at that

Why the fuck doesn't she look at me like that?

I glared at the male causing him to feel my stare, he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion

"Hurry this up, I have another important thing to do"

Another important thing meaning getting my dick wet, I needed to get something out of this stressful situation

"Asia please come up here, and have a seat next to me. We have something to tell you" Hoseok spoke pursing his lips as he watched her look at yoongi in confusion. He only smiled and nodded her to the front

She walked up gripping onto her other hand and sat down in the chair facing all of us, behind her walked her father who silently walked off to the other side of jin

Jin walked up to the emergency button which held in a glass wall that slid down cutting off a section of a room. The glass was pitch black and clear leaving it to be no sound heard or vision seen from the other side.

"Why all this extraness?" She questioned

"For years we've watched over you"

"For years we've watched over you" Jin spoke, I looked at him furrowing my eyebrows and looked towards the man who looked at me with tears in his eyes.

Looking back at jin I nodded my head telling him it was okay to continue but he stopped and looked at Namjoon

"When we were all just kids we found each other. ended up creating a bond so deep that we stood together. The best thing about our friendship was that we were neighbors"

𝑱𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝑻𝒐𝒏𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 | 𝐉𝐉𝐊Where stories live. Discover now