yoongi - request

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hello! i hope everyone is having a wonderful day/night! before you get to reading, i just wanted to ask you all a few things...all you have to do is comment your answer with the question! thank you and ilysmmmmm 💕

Would you read:

A TXT imagines book?

A boyxboy book?


- in which a hit during your basketball game leaves you gasping for air; requested by @nctbtch

The ball falls into your hands, the rough feel of the leather ball familiar against your fingertips as you reluctantly let it slip from your grip and watch as it bounces towards your captain. She grabs it at lightning speed and tosses it to the side, clapping her hands to call the group over to her.

You sigh disappointedly despite the smile plastered onto your face.

"That was great, girls," she beams the second everyone crowds around her, the atmosphere buzzing with a strong and competitive energy. "Now, the game doesn't start for another hour or so. What I want you to be doing is stretching until then so you don't push yourselves before the match. I'll be back in about fifty minutes to run through the game plan."

The team yells out their gratitude as she walks away, throwing a wave over her shoulder. You chuckle to yourself and branch off from the group to find a corner to stretch in, your two closest friends not too far behind.

"So," you giggle once you spread yourself out on the floor and reach for your toes, "what news have we got today?"

"Well," Sua, your team's star shooter, grins mischievously as she raises her arms over her head, her silver and blue jersey exposing a slim cut of her midriff. "I heard that Jiwon's boyfriend dumped her yesterday for one of the cheerleaders. Daewoo was saying that her defending today is bound to be off."

"And," Dayoung, the brightest person on your team, continues on without giving you time to process anything, "I was told by Jugyeong who was told by Ria who was told by Jiwon's coach that Jiwon may not play today."

While this news means that your team has even more than a better chance of beating your rivals, you can't help but feel bad for Jiwon. If this break up is so much of a toll on her that she has to sit out of a basketball game, something she loves doing, then she must have really loved him.

"Is she doing okay?" you ask with a soft smile, knowing very well that you'll message her before the game starts to check in.

Sua nods. "I messaged her as soon as I heard. She said she's coping and she's bummed that she's gonna miss the game, but she can't bring herself to attend."

"I hope she feels better soon," you mumble loud enough for the other two to hear, their slow nods and sympathetic smiles all you see as you look up at them, switching your position to stretch out your back.

"Speaking of boyfriends," Dayoung sings teasingly, giggling when Sua slaps her arm, "where's yours, Y/N?"

You roll your eyes at their antics, unable to stop the dreamy smile that graces your features at the thought of Yoongi. Once a basketball player himself, your now-idol-trainee boyfriend never ceases to bring you indescribable joy, even when he's miles away.

"So," Sua drawls as she nudges your foot with hers in an attempt to snap you out of your daze, "is he still coming today?"

You jut your lips out in a pout, shaking your head in slow disappointment.

"He was going to," you explain while fidgeting with your fingers, "but his managers changed his rehearsal schedule yesterday so now, he won't be able to come."

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