Chapter 6

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It's Friday.

Blue POV

I just came from the studio. And it was so boring. Ms.H said that I will be having a break from practice for a little bit. I'm glad too, it hasn't been any fun lately.


I was sitting in my room reading a book when I heard a knock on the door. It's open. Bob came threw my door. What do you want? I thought about what you and Blue said and your right, he said. Wait, what did you say? You are right I made that stupid policy and it doesn't even make since, Bob said. I liked you for the longest but I don't do nothing about it, bob said. So do you want to go get some coffee or something, Bob asked? I love that. Let's go then, Bob said. Ok! I grabbed my coat and we were out the door.

Stranger POV

That little girl I saw looks so familar. Like I know who she is or something. I been on this stuff so long I can barely think. I'm gonna clean myself up soon though. I won't be on this stuff anymore. I look at myself every day and think I'm so wrinkled up and ugly. I can't do this drugs. There killing me. I'm tired of bagging for money. I'm tired of being a mess. I wish I never got on drugs. I admit I like this high feeling. When I think in my mind everythings is clear,but when I began to speak everything comes out differently. I tell myself I'll say no to the drug dealer but it doesn't happen. In my mind I'm sober. I just don't know what to do. I wish the year I had my baby I didn't turn to drugs. I miss my little girl.

Author: Sorry this chapters so short. I didn't want to rush what gonna happen next. Who is the stranger? Will Jacob be found? How did Ms.H and Mr.Bob date go? Fan, Comment and vote. The next chapters coming soon.

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