Info about your character

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(Y/N)  Snow

Your Age - 18

You have 1 sibling (Y/S/N) (they can be older or younger then you either way u choose)

You have known dipper & Mabel since you guys were 4 years old

Dipper pines might have a crush on you but you'll end up liking bill cipher in the story so dipper & bill will both have a crush on you & you never knew so that's what is going to make Bill go all Yandare on you.

Traits - your funny & sometimes annoyed easily but you are popular & athlete & nice & kind if your really mad then you show no emotion 

Nicknames from bill - Snowflake from other main characters- (Y/N/N) that means 'your nickname'

Your crush when you were younger was dipper but it will be Bill in the next few chapters, Also where you use to live you knew had a good friend named Zack Foster aka Issac Foster who was your crush & your best friend Rachel Gardener 

[AN: If you want i can make it a book & then at the end you say your moving to a place call Gravity falls to live with ur old friends then Zack will say something probably like"Snowflake I'll miss u" or something sappy like that]


[232 words] 

Bye remember reality is an illusion the universe is a hologram bye gold Byeeeeeee 

- Cookie Cipher Out

Weirdmageddon queen ( Yandare Bill Cipher x reader)Where stories live. Discover now