Chapter One

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Four years ago, Princess Rosilabeth had given birth to a perfect little boy whom she named Josiah. However, he was not to grow up knowing the truth of his parentage, as his father was a treacherous criminal, and he was conceived out of wedlock. After sixteen gruelling hours in a difficult labour, there was nothing Rosilabeth wanted more then to hold her precious baby. Nevertheless, the doctor, sworn to secrecy with a hefty sum of money, handed him over to Rosilabeth's brother Henri's wife, Queen Nijah, who would be the boy's mother.

Henri and Nijah had only gotten married and coronated as the monarchs of Aubriemia seven months earlier, but they had agreed to raise the child as their own, as the father was none other then Nijah's villainous younger brother Korian. He was locked away somewhere dark and murky after trying to conquer Rosilabeth's birth Kingdom of Alluvia, stealing from the Royal family and kidnapping young Alluvian maidens, including Rosilabeth's younger sister Princess Aurora. Rosilabeth knew she could not keep the baby, as it would cause an uproar and society and her family would shun her, so the only thing she was able to give him was his name, Prince Josiah Evander Xin.

Josiah was fortunate enough to be raised as a Prince by his aunt and uncle, although of course he would know them only as his parents, and would become the future King. Two days after his birth Rosilabeth left Aubriemia on a stretcher to go to Yemini with her sister Aurora (who had been with her through the birth), which was the country of Aurora's betrothed, Prince Theodosius. It was just too hard for her not to be an active mother to Josiah. He was so little and innocent with powerful screaming lungs, and she yearned to cradle him close to her chest, but the action was forbidden. Nijah was his mother, and she had to be well out of the picture so that everyone believed it so.

Only eight people knew Rosilabeth had been pregnant - give or take a couple of maids, and it was vital that it was kept that way. Once she had healed properly and was able to walk she then went home to Alluvia, and everyone noticed a big change in her personality. Her smile was rarer then an eclipse and she no longer got excited over the fine things in life or gossiping with her equally empty-headed friends. She spent her days forlorn in her bedroom or in the library reading, which she had certainly never done before. She even wrote a few of her own poems, which were heart breaking and desolate in nature.

Her mother called the best doctors from around the world in, bought her fine things and arranged for lunches with other high-class ladies and suitors, but none of it opened her up or restored her once joyful nature. Rosilabeth was heart broken, but not for Korian. She detested the man she once stupidly chased after and thought had captured her heart. She wanted her baby who was learning to love another as his mother. Korian had played her heart like a fiddle, and she would never trust a man again by opening her heart to him, as she was sure it had been damaged beyond compare. She was always sad and sullen, hiding away from life in her chambers. It felt like a piece of her was missing, and she often wept for her baby and how damaged she felt inside.

On Josiah's first birthday she let the walls she had built around her crumble, and travelled to Aubriemia for the celebration with her parents. She was so anxious it felt like she had creatures dancing in her stomach, and she could not stop the tears that slipped from her eyes as she saw Josiah for the first time since she had given birth. He was an absolutely beautiful baby, happy and giggling with tightly curled hair like his father, and wide, innocent emerald eyes just like hers. It was fortunate that Henri had green eyes as well, otherwise if Josiah had striking blue ones like his real father, the hushed image they had worked hard to build would easily unravel. A tiny button nose, chubby cheeks and smooth dark skin made him look like an angel in Rosilabeth's eyes. He was adorable, and she wanted nothing more then to run away with him.

Not understanding the situation, Rosilabeth's mother Queen Genevieve guided her over to hold her 'nephew'. There were many people in the room - four of Rose's six siblings as well as Nijah's family, so she did not feel like she could refuse. Nijah's eyes widened, but she offered the baby anyway; which Rosilabeth took feeling numb with shaky hands. She drew him in close to her chest as he stared up at her with smiling eyes, peace flowing through her as his small body moulded into hers. She rocked him in her arms causing intense love to pour into her soul, until he began to become unsettled and fidgeted, and no matter how much she rocked him he started crying out. Nijah was quick to take him out of her hands, leaving Rosilabeth feeling cold as Nijah expertly settled him, and Josiah started calling out 'mum-mum' to her. His gurgled words felt like a blade twisting in Rosilabeth's heart, causing her to turn and flee from the room.

She left early the next morning back to Alluvia, wallowing in self-pity but under the pretence of being unwell, although she did have a very real pain in her heart.

The next time she was in his presence was a year later at Aurora and Theodosius' wedding. Rosilabeth made sure to stay clear and only watch him from afar though. At one time, she was close with Henri and Nijah, but now they were just a reminder of what she could never be. A parent. Sometime after the spectacular Royal wedding, it was announced that Henri and Nijah were expecting their 'second' child. Rosilabeth managed to get out of traveling with her parents to see the new Princess, but she was forced to attend Josiah's fourth birthday party celebration just over a year later. The sweet little girl was named Kinnette, and it was around this time that Aurora also revealed she was with child. It was very hard for Rosilabeth to hear that her little sister was having a baby and not get jealous, as she did not think she would ever have one to raise of her own.

Although she had suitors, Rosilabeth did not want to get married, as she did not trust anyone. Interest in her hand was starting to dwindle off as well, much to her mother's horror, as she was getting older. Frankly, Rosilabeth did not care. If she ended up alone locked in a tower then she would not complain and look forward to the days of isolation.

She had changed in the last four years. No longer did she dream of marrying a Prince and spending ridiculous amounts of money on clothes she would only wear once. Now she even wanted to be called plain old Rose, not caring about segregating herself from the rest of society.

Hi everyone! I hope you have enjoyed this first chapter! Please like and comment xoxox


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