Chapter 18: Let Her Go

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These ones offer more.

"You know my blood will do nothing in comparison to that of a humans," he tries reminding me. An angst in his tone alluding to the transition of my bite's affect on him, his pain diminishing.

Just a little more.

"Leonidas," he warns. His skin burning. Sweating. Pulse increasing tempo.

He tries composing himself, combing a hand into his hair with one hand while his other grasps at his knee, fingers puncturing the skin as he attempts to resist pleasuring himself in my lap.

I'm not triggering, but knowing he isn't in pain and has recently fed keeps me latched to his neck. My wounds finally begin to heal. Too thirsty, I tighten my grip in response wedging and anchoring my fangs.

"Please stop."

Focused, I quickly brush my tongue over the deepest bite wound first.

"Damn it," he curses, crawling away from me along the ground before blurring to his feet. He wobbles a moment, and tries using Shadow for support until she snorts nipping at his shoulders. "You, too. Stop!" he growls at her, his tone commanding enough she actually listens.

He's furious at me but can't make it known. Unfortunately, this is part of his job as my personal guard. It would be offensive to him if I were to apologize.

Panting, I rub the back of a wrist over my mouth before blurring to my feet and grabbing a towel from Shadow's saddle. I use it to clean his blood from my skin.

"Mount," he instructs. As I do so, he pulls a wool blanket from her saddle draping it over me to prevent the sun from touching my skin. I can't see anything but he hoists himself up behind me so I don't fall off.

As we pass through the main entrance of the Kingdom's wall, I notice the way tension in his body eases when none of his comrads realize the extent of his wound. Not even questioning the bite to his neck when he unveils me. The guards simply stand at attention, welcome my return and send us on our way.

It's not until we reach the stables that Ely looks at me exhaling a long sigh. "Thank you." As the words leave his lips, his gaze averts to the ground. A slight blush appears through his sandy skin.

"Let me heal you," I plead, hopping down from Shadow, wearing the blanket over my shoulders like a cape.

"No, it's okay."

It's already bruising and swelling. I know he's in pain. Regardless, I don't push the matter.


"Have you lost your mind?!" my mother rages.

Our council members cringe as she slams her fists on the table and throws a chair into one of the walls causing it to shatter and splinter.

"They could have captured you. You could have been tortured and killed, Leonidas! Don't you realize this could be considered treason?"

My heart constricts at the word.

She crosses the room and slaps a hand across my face though I've said nothing other than where I was.

"The Royal Court is on their way because they think something has happened to you. The Council must cover the fact that you broke King Valerio's ban and could have harmed the Princess," she continues to fume.

At her mention of the Council, I happen to meet eyes with Perseus whose grin is blinding.

This rebuking goes on for another hour before my mother dismisses the Council.

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