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Tumblr user:@gaynewt

Because you all know how Thomas is wearing this leatherthing above his shirt on one still, and on other he isn't.
I'm probably interpreting way too many things into this but shuck it.
Thomas was excited. In a good way, for the first time since he got there. He was going to be a runner. Spend the whole day separated from all the others together with Minho. The boy that made him blush, just by looking at him.
Minho walked in front of him with fast, steady steps. They'd been walking all over the glade by now, in no special direction. Thomas had the feeling that Minho was searching for something, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it.
"Minho?" He asked, as the boy stopped in front of a small shed next to the homestead. Minho just held his hand up, gesturing him to wait outside. The boy walked in and started searching aound. "Minho, what are you doing in there?" Thomas asked, as he started feeling uncomfortable by just standing there. He knew that some of the Gladers who were already awake were watching him. "Just wait there, slinth-. Oh, well, I found what I was searching for."
He walked out of the shed, holding something leather-ish in his hands, a huge grin on his face. "Wh-" Thomas started but Minho cut him off once again. "Follow me, alright?"
What was Minho even doing?
They stopped behind the homestead and Minho's expression turned serious almost instantly. "This," He said and handed Thomas the thing, "is something only runners get, ok? Now put it on."
Thomas examined it sceptically, but decided putting it on wouldn't do harm. He pulled it over his head and immediately caught his arms inside it. It probably looked ridiculous from the outside, because he could already hear Minho laughing, which was the most welcome, but also the most embarrassing thing in the world. He felt his head heat up and the heat running down his spine.
He grabbed the thing by its collar and violently yanked it from his head. "Oh my God," Minho pressed his fist against his mouth, his face red from laughing. "You look like you've just been laid." Thomas shook his head and smiled. "Just help me putting this on, man."
"Lift your arms." Minho commanded and Thomas did as he was told. Minho pushed his arms through the runner gear as he would call it and pulled it down.
It hung loose over Thomas's chest and made him feel uncomfortable. "Would you mind?" Thomas asked, but held his gaze to the ground.
He felt Minho's hands on his body, sending chills through him. He swallowed hard, as Minho had finished tying it together.
Minho stood now in front of him, the boy's face inches away from his. "This," Minho placed his hands on Thomas's chest, "is to protect you, if I can't do it. I've seen what you can do. You handled things in ways, I could just dream of. And if you get attacked, I probably can't save you. I don't ever want to lose you. This leather thing will protect you better than I will ever be able to."
"Minho." Thomas gasped, unable to put his fascination into words. "What?" Minho asked, smiling. "I never thought you could be that-"
That's when it happened.
Minho pressed his lips onto Thomas's, taking his breath away. Thomas shrieked against Minho's lips, which caused Minho to laugh and pull away after a few seconds. "I could be what?" He asked and snickered.
It took Thomas several seconds to pull himself together and to remember what he had wanted to say. "So sweet." He finally got out.
"Don't you dare to tell one shuck soul about that." Minho said and walked towards the gap which lead to his running section. "Now are you coming with me or not?"
Thomas laughed. "How wouldn't I want to spend an entire day just with you?"
"Shut up with this romantic klunk." Was all that Minho said before he ran outside

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