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Tumblr user:@imaginesfromwithinthemaze

Imagine #7
Character: Newt

Word Count: 814
Warning: none
A/N: Happy Thanksgiving, guys (: I'm so thankful for all the people who follow me and actually take the time to read my imagines, thank youuuu
They didn't hear you wake up, but that's because they weren't expecting you to. They thought you were dead, and at first, so did you. You tried to open your eyes but the light blinded you and you quickly shut them again. It was then when you recognized there were murmurs of voices in the background. There were people here.
"What are we supposed to do with her?"
You could hear the british voice carry over from the next room.
"We won't have a choice if she doesn't wake up soon..."
"Well we can't just keep her here and do nothing, Clint!"
You could hear the two arguing voices coming into clearer focus, until finally they stopped just short of your room. A moment later, there were knocks on your door. When you finally managed to open your eyes, you noticed that a tall, blond british boy had walked in, followed by a shorter, dark haired boy. Your eyes followed them as they made their way over to you, speaking to each other in hushed voices. The blonde boy motioned towards you with his hand, and spoke.
"Are you alright, love?"
You opened your mouth to respond but nothing came out. His eyebrows drew together in worry when you didn't respond. You felt paralyzed, and for a split-second you swore you couldn't breathe. And then that second was over, and the invisible ropes that bound you in place were lifted.
"I'm fine," you gasped, nearly out of air. The energy it took for you to say those two words took a toll, and you immediately felt drained.
The two boys looked at you for a moment, then turned to each other. A few words were exchanged between the two, but they were too quiet for you to pick up on them. The dark haired boy nodded as he was being spoke to, then left the room. He poked his head back into the room for just a moment, adding "I'll be back in a minute or two," before disappearing once again from your view.
"If you don't mind me asking, love, can you remember anything that happened?" His voice was quiet and gentle. You tried to think of the last thing that you could remember, but suddenly your mind was blank.
"I, uh-I, I can't remember... w-why can't I remember?" You stuttered trying to get your words out, shocked at your lack of memory.
"It's alright, don't worry. It's normal to not know anything. In fact, none of us remember anything from our previous lives, except our names. Shuck, that was the only thing they let us keep."
"Y/n, that my name," you said, surprising yourself just as much as you did the blonde boy in front of you.
"Well welcome, y/n. Name's Newt." He extended his hand towards you, and you shook it.
"Welcome to the Glade. I suppose we'll give you the tour some other time, considering Clint won't let you leave the hut till you're all patched up." He nodded towards the door as the dark haired boy came back in, this time with a box of medical supplies. It was then that you realized the condition of your body, which didn't look too good.
When you were all bandaged up, the boys turned to leave. Newt hesitated by the door, then turned around.
"If you need anything, just call for me," He said with a little smile. He then left, leaving you thinking of your new home in this so-called "Glade." Another minute passed before you could see a mop of blonde hair in the doorway. Newt poked his head into the room, making eye contact.
"I thought I heard you calling..." he said, a little smile forming on his face. You raised an eyebrow at him, to which he replied.
"Telepathically," he said. "I could feel it," he flashed another one of his smiles towards your direction.
"Well, while you're already here..." You said, nodding towards a stool next to your bed.
The next couple hours went by quickly, and you were glad for the company. Newt talked of many things, how life went about in the Glade, the people who were here, and how they got here. All the while you listened, letting this new-found information soak in. Though you had really only been conscious in the Glade for a couple hours, you were already starting to feel at home... and with that, you nodded off, leaving Newt still sitting by your side. As though he sensed you drifting off, he tucked you back tightly into bed, and whispered something nearly inaudible, "Welcome to the Glade, y/n." He then left the room silently, and just as before, quickly stuck his head in the doorway one last time, before exiting the hut. And that right there, THAT was the start of new friendship

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