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Tumblr user:@imaginesfromwithinthemaze

Imagine #5
Character: Thomas
Word Count: 1075
Warning: none
Request: entirelyinfinite > Can I have a cute Thomas imagine? Thxxxxxxx
A/N: Sorry it's been taking me so long to write... I swear, its the homework! #highschoolproblems
It didn't take a genius to figure out that you had a "thing" for Thomas. In fact, all it took was one nosey glader. Correction, one nosey Chuck. It was cold out today, and as you marched across the glade in high hopes that dinner was ready, you couldn't seem to empty your mind of all the stressful moments that occurred earlier. For one, Chuck just so happened to "find" your diary. And as if that wasn't embarrassing enough, he just so happened to read it as well.
Now, being the only girl kind of forced you to be socially awkward, so the necessity for a diary was quite high. It wasn't that you couldn't talk to the other gladers, in fact, you were actually pretty close with most of them. It was more of the fact that you couldn't talk to them about, well, boys. This is where your diary had come into place, of course, you never expected anyone to read it... that was an entirely different thing itself. Now as you walked across the glade, you could only hope that Chuck would stay true to his promise and keep his mouth shut. Though you couldn't expect much from him anyway, seeing that this was the boy who easily got excited, and unfortunately was a really bad secret keeper. How great for you.
"Y/n!" You turn to see Chuck struggling to catch up to you. His eyes are bright with excitement "Guess what?" He just barely gets out, his hands on his knees and his cheeks bright red from panting. "You'll never guess," He says, his face changing to a broad grin.
You groan, hoping this isn't going where you think it is.
"Chuck, you promised not to tell anyone, especially Thomas. You didn't tell anyone, right?" You emphasized that last part, trying to get your point across without yelling. There were still other gladers around, and the last thing you would want to do is attract attention to yourself.
Chuck glanced uneasily at you before looking at the ground. He contemplated what to say next, and then he spoke.
"Well, I didn't mean to..." he started. He continued explaining but you couldn't hear him anymore. All you could hear was your own heartbeat and the rush of blood in your ears. Was it that hard to keep a secret? You could barely contain your scream, but you pulled yourself together. You eyes were slightly watery, and your cheeks were flushed at the prospect of Thomas finding out about your crush on him. It seemed so unreal, like something that would come out of a romantic comedy, of course, at the moment there was nothing funny or romantic about your situation. You couldn't believe that Chuck would do this to you. Still a little dazed, you backed away from Chuck and headed toward the mob of gladers enjoying their meal. Once you got your food, you decided to go to the deadheads, you knew you weren't prepared to engage in any socialization. Not right now, not when your cheeks were still flaming red and your head still dizzy.
You sat down near the middle of the dense woods, leaning against your favorite oak tree for support. Your stomach hurt and suddenly you weren't hungry anymore. The bowl of hot rice was still in your hand, so you threw it down next to you, watching as the little grains hopped up from the bowl and onto the forest floor. You were still seething with anger, but it was mostly made up from embarrassment. You couldn't deal with the fact that Thomas was out there with the other Gladers, probably talking about your pathetic crush on him. It was too much to bear, and suddenly you burst into tears.
Just as you pulled yourself into a ball, you heard a few branches break. The deadheads were silent as you tried to recollect yourself in a lame attempt to look presentable.
"W-who is there?" You ask, wiping away the last of your tears. You were pretty sure your eyes were still red, but at this point you didn't care. But when you saw the figure step forward, suddenly you cared. Thomas kicked the dead leaves with his boot, clearing his throat in an attempt to break the awkward silence.
"Uh, Chuck told me..." He said, trying to make eye contact with you, but you wouldn't let him. You let your gaze drift down to the floor, finding a sudden interest in the broken branches and array of leaves.
"I don't care, it's okay, you don't have to say anything... I know you don't feel the same way..." you said, trying to keep at least some part of your pride in tact. This was it, and although it hurt and stung and you wanted to cry, you knew that none of it mattered anyway. Thomas didn't like you, and you could tell. So why try?
"Y/n," Thomas interrupted, "You don't get it..."
"No, I do get it," You started to get up, your stomach turning with the embarrassment of the whole scenario. Just as you got up, Thomas pulled you back toward him by your wrist. He looked you straight in the eyes, holding your gaze.
"You didn't let me finish..." He said, taking your hands in his. His hands were warm, and they encompassed yours completely. "I didn't know how to say it, but I guess now this would be the time to do so. Y/n, I like you, a lot. And I, I don't know... I just, when I heard Chuck say that you liked me too, I didn't know if it was true. But I guess, I guess it was kinda lucky that I came and found you anyway."
Your heart stopped beating, and you couldn't communicate. You were speechless, and on top of it, paralyzed. You both stood there for a minute or two, just standing in the middle of the Deadheads, looking up at each other.
After what seemed like forever, Thomas adjusted his position, keeping one hand still around yours. The other went up to your face, brushing away a stray strand of hair. He kept his hand on the side of your face, his thumb stroking your cheek.
"Is this okay?" He whispered. You couldn't come up with the words to answer, so instead you gave him another response, something you've only dreamed about: your first kiss

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