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Just breathe," Thomas said, cringing at the words at the same time, not knowing what to do with his hands. "How can I help?"
They were in an old elevator which decided to stop working in between the floors, and the blond was having a really bad panic attack, getting paler with each second, and Thomas really didn't know what to do with him. He never went through something like this and barely knew what would be the best course of action, so he asked dumbly, even though he probably wouldn't get a very happy answer.
"Just d-distract me somehow," the blond croaked, his hand blindly reaching for him, and Thomas immediately offered his own hand, getting gripped in a firm squeeze and wow, that guy was strong like superman. His whole body was trembling and his fingers were cold as ice and Thomas just didn't know - he couldn't even talk about anything because his head just became a blank space of nothingness and he probably also forgot how to speak, so he just held his hand in return, trying frantically think of something.
"G-good job s-so far, g-greenie," the blond attempted a laugh, but his voice was weak and shaky, and yes, of course this didn't help him a bit, Thomas was just standing there like a tit. He wanted to help, he really did, but goddamn, all he could think about was those lame elevator scenes of people having sex, and he just couldn't push him against the wall and fuck him senseless, could he.
But the trembling got stronger and breathing harsher and Thomas just thought fuck it and lunged forward, pushing the boy against the mirrored wall, earning a yelp, and then swallowing any other noises by his own lips.
He felt the blonde's body tensing up, hands grabbing Thomas' shoulders in an almost painful grip, and then the lips got pliant and willing and opened up and Thomas hummed in surprise when there was a curious tongue begging for entrance. But he complied anyway and deepened the kiss, because why the hell not, he started it and it helped, and then there was a hand in his hair, dragging through it, and other hand on the back of his neck, just resting there gently, and he realized his own hands started roaming and mapping the contours of the body pressed against him, and apparently really liking what they found. It was surprisingly gentle and slow, like a deliberate peace offering, and Thomas found himself humming even more, but now in satisfaction, and it was probably slightly embarrassing, but he couldn't stop until he really, really had to because air supply got too low and he started to blacken out.
They grudgingly parted, both breathing heavily, and the blonde was staring up to him with wide eyes, his lips red and swollen and Thomas felt an urge to wipe that shocked look and just dive in again, to show him it was pretty cool and there was no need to look like someone just told him Santa Clause didn't exist.
"Distracted enough?" he asked instead, a little breathlessly, and the blond just nodded mutely, his fingers twitching in Thomas' hair. "Cool. Happy Valentine's day."
"Smooth," the boy finally chuckled and pulled on Thomas' hair a bit. "One more time?"
Thomas didn't even think of refusing.
Several times.

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