Chapter Twenty Six [Edited]

Start from the beginning

“Yeah, the coworker gang hasn’t been doing the monthly bar and dinner outing. I’ve been too busy with work at the office to join Lily and Charles when they go out, and Margaret and Dave don’t get along very well anymore. Additionally, management is a lot of work if done properly, and I’m trying not to step on anyone’s toes. It’s a complicated balance of sucking up and putting my foot down,” I sighed.

“Sounds like it. Is everything good in the workplace?”

“There was a small incident with chemicals, but it was resolved quickly, though not so quickly with HR. Other than that, my team has been working tirelessly, which I am grateful for. I will have to treat them for all their work. Maybe I’ll throw a Thanksgiving or winter party in the office.  Bake some brownies or cookies or something.”

“I’m sure they’d enjoy that.”

“Yeah. How’s work at the library going?”

“Oh, you know, the usual. We’re working on new designs, as always. They updated the website recently, so I’ve had to go on and make sure everything’s how it’s supposed to be. There’s never a boring day at the library!”

“Now that you and Jack are married, are you going to quit waitressing?”

“No, we’re trying to save up for a house eventually. We want kids at some point, and Jack doesn’t make enough to support us if I’m a stay-at-home mom. I’m not paid for the library work, which is fine to me, but it makes finances difficult.”

“Is Jack looking for a new job?”

“Not right now,” Shelly said, glancing around. “Oh, look, we’re about to start.”

“Okay then,” I frowned at her strange behavior but grabbed a position on the floor.

“Alright class! Time to do yoga!” The yoga instructor clapped, bringing us all together and ending mine and Shelly’s conversation.

Thankfully, our office pulled a miracle and was able to finish all our work scheduled to be due by Thanksgiving by the Monday before Thanksgiving. I was so relieved that I told them all that I would buy pizza for Wednesday’s lunch. They all cheered at that announcement.

On other terms, Daniel’s birthday was on the 26th, falling on Thanksgiving this year. We decided that we’d have a small get together at my apartment, following after Olivia’s tradition. Margaret, Will, Shelly and Jack, Lily and Charles, and Velisa and Dave were coming over. A few of Daniel’s coworkers were attending, too. Dave’s brother was watching Kaleb, who was spending the night with Kory, and Shelbie was busy with her family.

Daniel came over early and helped Olivia and I cook the turkey and make some food. I took him aside at one point, showing him the small painting I did for him. He gave me a huge hug.

“This is amazing. Thank you, Anaya,” he said genuinely, smiling at the picture of the two of us silhouetted, hugging in the moonlight. Sheila had taken a picture of us at one point during a double date we did with her and Jack, and I thought it was perfect for him.

“Let me run this back to my apartment. I’ll be right back!” He exclaimed, dashing out of the door and down the hall to his apartment.

As the turkey was in the oven and Daniel was making a green bean casserole, a few knocks were heard on the door.

“Olivia, could you get that?” I asked her, hands full of ingredients for the mashed potatoes.

“Sure!” She said, rushing towards the door and letting Shelly and Jack in.

Ace of Hearts - All We Are Series [NaNoWriMo 2014] [#JustWriteIt]Where stories live. Discover now