
378 18 1

August 2017

"Daniel, where are you talking me?" I laughed as I reached my hands up to the blindfold.

"No, Naya, don't you dare remove that!" Daniel said warningly, and I could almost see his grin. Except for the blindfold, of course, which was in the way.

"Seriously, though, we've been in the car for forever! Where on Earth are we going? Or is it even on Earth?" I joked thoughtfully.

"Nah, I'm not that cool. I'll give you a hint: We're going to Lakeview."

"Lakeview? What's there?" I questioned. In all my time living in Ohio, I don't think I've ever been to Lakeview.

"Want another hint?"

"Are you trying to make me guess, or do you want it to be a surprise?" I questioned. "If you keep giving me hints, I will guess it eventually."

"If you've never been to Lakeview and don't know what's there, you won't guess it," Daniel said confidently.

"I should've looked more into Ohio events," I muttered, wishing I had a clue.

"Don't worry, we're almost there!" Daniel said excitedly.

"What's so exciting?" I questioned.

"I can't wait! You're going to be so surprised and thrilled!"

"Huh?" I said stupidly, and then smacked myself on the face.

"What, do you think you know what it is?" Daniel asked.

"No, I still have no clue," I responded quickly.

"Why'd you smack yourself?"

"I'm trying to remember! I have no clue," I admitted.

"I know. It's great," Daniel laughed.

"Evil," I muttered.

Finally, we arrived at our mysterious destination.

"Where are we?" I asked again.

"Have you ever heard of Indian Lake State Park?"

"Yeah, it's in... Lakeview, oh," I stated, making Daniel laugh. "So are we going hiking or something?"

"Nope! Here's another hint, since you refused the last one: What did we do for our first date?"

"We went to a museum. That was almost two and a half years ago. But what does that have to do with Lakeview? Are we going to an art museum up here or something?"

"Not exactly," Daniel responded, laughing again.

"I'm glad you seem to see the humor in this," I rolled my eyes, though he couldn't see the gesture.

I strained my ears, trying to get a hint of what was going on. I heard some cheerful music playing in the distance. As we started walking, Daniel carefully holding my hand so I didn't stumble, I heard some cars pass.

'We must be near a road or something,' I thought.

My feet crunched on gravel as we walked off whatever pavement path we were on before. It changed to something softer, grass perhaps? Soon after I smelled something delicious and fried, like a barbecue or something.

"Ready?" Daniel asked as he brought me to a stop.

"Yes!" I grinned, pumping a hand in the air. "Release me from your hold," I commanded, making Daniel laughed.

Ace of Hearts - All We Are Series [NaNoWriMo 2014] [#JustWriteIt]Where stories live. Discover now