Shot- 14

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Swara: why can't he understand anything mom?
Sujatha: u need to understand swara not him.
Swara:what should I understand mom? He didn't talk to me properly since yesterday. Just asking about my health, my medicine and take rest. That's all. what's wrong did I say?I just don't know anything, what may happen in future and I can't let him live like corpse.

Sujatha: u still need to understand him a lot swara. He will die but never agree to this. I know my son.

Swara: mom, atleast u understand me. Please.
Sujatha: I understand ur point swara but...
Swara: then please mom.. if something happens to me. Can u promise to make him move on in his life? Please.

Sujatha: swara, I can't promise something I can never fulfill. And why do I promise when I know u will be fine haan?

Swara: mom, u know everything still..

Sujatha: Sanskar is way more stubborn than u think. He will never able to move on. U need to understand this. He is ur husband, he loves u. It's never easy not only for him but for anyone. We all have belief in u , in God that u will be fine ,so does he. He believes in his love that it will save u then be with him. Don't break him and.. his belief. U will understand it more easily, just put urself in his position and him in urs then think what's and wrong and right? What u r asking from him ,is it right?

Swara heard her calmly. She understands what she was trying to say.

Sujatha: don't stress urself now. Take ur time then think. Come on now, u need to take ur dinner.

Swara nods with weak smile. Sujatha adjust the small on table bed and then serve her.

Swara: mom again soup. I hate this.

Sujatha:( smiled) don't worry, just for few days . When u will be fine and back to Kolkata,I will make ur favourite food everyday.

Swara: really?
Sujatha: I promise . Come now I will make u eat.
Swara: it's ok mom. I will..
Sujatha: no no.. I will.
She took spoon and make her eat. After that nurse came and give swara medicine . Sujatha made her lay on bed and tell her to sleep. Swara closed her eyes and was thinking about her words.

Sujatha saw her asleep then only door opened. It was sanskar ,he came home inside.
Sanskar: mom, u go with laksh. I will be here.
Sujatha: ok, take care.
Sanskar nods.
Sujatha go out. Sanskar sees her sleeping peacefully. He go to her and sit beside her and caress her hair. He leaned and kissed her forehead.

Sanskar: good night swara.
Then he get up to go and sleep on cough. He was about to walk but he felt her holding his hand.

" I m sorry sanskar" swara said opening her eyes.

He turned to look at her.

Swara: I m sorry. I shouldn't have said you all that. Please forgive me .

Sanskar: what's the need to say sorry when u will do it again?

He said and look away. Swara feels sad with his word. She sat on bed.

Sanskar: swara, pls sleep.
Swara: I will but first sit here.

Sanskar: swara what r you..?
Swara look at him giving pleading look.
Sanskar: ok ..
He sit beside her. She look at him and then hugged him snuggling into his chest. He look at her. She closed her eyes keeping her head on his chest.

Swara: I m really sorry sanskar. I said just because I don't want u to .... Umm forget that. Whatever I said. I will never say that again. I promise . Please forgive me sanskar.

He heard her . He could easily feel her sadness in her voice. He didn't wanted to see her like this but he was hurt. He encircled his arm around her hugging her back .

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