Good Times... Good Times...

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Slight filler... But it's funny!!! Now, you have to read it because I haven't uploaded in a long time... Ish...




Shizuku's POV

Now, I always knew I was an idiot, but this was just plain stupid.

I grumbled to myself while looking into the mirror, seeing myself in a hair shaped into a ducks ass and in Sasuke's outfit.

Yep, I am a complete retard!!!!

Why the fuck did I agree to pretend to be Sasuke to go into town?!?!?!


My right eye twitched as I looked at Orochimaru's smiling face.

"So... Let me get this straight... YOU WANT ME TO DO WHAT?!?!?!" I yelled.

He just had his one sided pedo smile on and he answered. "You have to walk around as Sasuke to guide the Konoha ninja here, I need to have the Kyuubi, and trade him with the Akatsuki to gain something important."

My eye twitched again.

"And you can't get Sasuke to do it himself?" I asked.

"No, Sasuke is training. Go, NOW." I gulped at his sudden mood change and nodded, walking away.


So here I now was, looking into the mirror in a henge (transformation) of my older brother.

The door swung open revealing a sweating Sasuke, my eye twitched, oh yeah he was totally training wasn't he?

He stared at me.

"Shizuku? Why the hell do you look like me?" he deadpanned.

I sighed frustrated, "You baka! Orochimaru made me pretend to be you! BAKA!"

"Wha? But Shi-"




"Oi Shizuku! Let me talk-"




"You finished?"


***20 mins of swearing and cursing later***



"Done now?"

"Yes thank you."

He rolled his eyes and answered.

Betrayal (Sequel Of Sasuke... Has A Sister!? / Naruto Fanfic) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now