Chapter 5

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"Ouch," Juvia touched a hand to her head and winced. She'd been ordered a week of bed rest and she was 3 days in. It was boring to sit its her room and do nothing. Every few hours a nurse would come in and make sure she took her medications and she would take blood, vitals, and temperature to make sure Juvia was doing alright. It was miserable. They would even let her have guests, they said she was too unstable for them.

"Mrs. Lockser? I'm here to take your temperature," A nurse came in. She stuck a thermometer under her tongue and held it for a few minutes. "Oh, the doctor wanted me to tell you that you'll have a few guests this afternoon,"

"Really? I thought I wasn't allowed,"

"The doctor decided that you're well enough to have visitors. They'll be here this afternoon," She smiled. She wheeled the blood cart out of the room. Juvia hoped her darling would come to visit her. She hadn't heard from him since she'd passed out in the coffee shop. Someone had called 911 and when she came to in the hospital the doctor told shed had a pretty bad schizophrenia attack and she'd have to be in the hospital for a while to recover. She asked if Gray had called or been by but the doctor didn't know what she was talking about. The barista from the coffee shop we were had had been the one to call. She snuggled underneath her pillow and laid in her dark blanket bunker until the nurse knocked at the door.

"Mrs. Lockser, your guests are here," She came up from under the blankets.

"Gray?" She asked. Natsu and Lucy entered the room along with Juvia's mom.

"Hey Juvia, how are you feeling?" Lucy asked.

"I'm alright, I have a bit of a headache and I'm very awake from all of my medication," She told them. "Have you seen Gray?"

"No, I called him yesterday and there was no response. Sorry Juvia," Lucy said.

"It's alright, I'll continue trying to reach him on my own," Lucy nodded. 

"We brought you flowers," Natsu said, placing a small bouquet of purple flowers on the table beside her bed.

"Thank you, that's very kind," 

"It brightens up the room doesn't it?" Lucy said, sitting down at the end of Juvia's bed. The two of them stayed the whole day to keep Juvia company. When the sun began to set the nurse told the two of them they had to leave. 

"We'll come back another time," Natsu assured her standing up. 

"See you later," Lucy waved. 

"Goodbye," Juvia laid back down in her bed and sighed. 

The next few days were long and boring. Natsu and Lucy came a few more times to visit, but Juvia didn't get a single visit, call or text from Gray. At this point he'd all but fallen off the face of the earth.

"Mrs. Lockser, your mother is here to pick you up," The nurse said coming in. 


"Would you like help, getting out of your hospital gown?" 

"No thank you," The nurse nodded and left the room. Juvia changed out of her hospital gown and into the clothing her mother had brought the day before.  

"Juvia?" Her mother came in. "Are you ready to go?" 

"Yes Mother, I'm ready," She replied. 

"Alright, let's go. We have a prescription to pick up on the way home. Juvia nodded and followed her mom out to the car. 

It felt good to be outside again. Of course her enjoyment was cut short quickly when she had to get in the car. They picked up her prescription and drove home. She got in the house and immediately went upstairs. 

"Don't forget to take your medication!" Her mother called. 

"Mh Hm," Juvia tossed the pill bottle in the basket at the foot of her bed and pulled out her phone. She dialled Gray's number and listened to it ring for a while until it went to his messages. It was full, she'd already filled it with messages that he obviously hadn't heard yet.  

She dialled again expecting it to ring but instead she heard this. 

"Sorry but the number you're calling has been disconnected. Please hang up the phone and try your call again," 

"Disconnected?" She mumbled. Was he getting a new phone? She called again and got the same message. She called four more times and each time the same thing happened. 

"Mother, I'm going to Gray's house!" She called, running downstairs. 

"Alright be careful and keep your phone on!" She ran out the door and down the street. She would've taken the car but the doctor said she wasn't allowed to drive for at least a month minimum. She jogged down the street, occasionally stopping to catch her breath. She came up to his house and knocked on the door.

No response. She knocked again. 

Still no response. Where the heck was he? She turned and walked back down the driveway. He really had fallen off the face of the earth. She walked back towards her house. Se got to her driveway and spotted someone in front of her door. 

Was that Gray? 

"Gray Senpai?" She called out.

"Juvie!" He exclaimed, running towards her. 

"Gray!" He ran over and hugged her tightly. 

"Juvie, I missed you so much," He kissed her on the forehead. 

"I missed you too my darling, why did't you visit me in the hospital, you didn't even call or text," 

"I'm sorry, my dad grounded me, I wasn't allowed  to leave the house and he took away my phone," He explained. 

"Oh, but I called your phone a few minutes ago and it was disconnected," 

"Yeah, I dropped my phone down the stairs and it broke," He pulled it out of his pocket and showed it to her. 


"Where were you just now?" He asked. 

"I was coming from your house actually, I went to look for you but no one was home," 

"Yeah, I was on my way here," 

"If you were coming here, why didn't I run into you on my way to your house?" Juvia asked. 

"I got a ride from my dad," 

"Oh," He pulled away and took her hand. "Would you like to come inside?" She asked. 

"I would love to," She smiled and the two of them went in. 

"Mom, I have a friend over, do not disturb!" Juvia called. 

"Okay honey!" Juvia and Gray went upstairs, into her bedroom. She flopped down on the bed and he sat down on top of her. He leaned down and kissed her gently. 

"Love you Juvie," 

"I love you too my darling," 

Elusive Truth {Gray X Juvia (Gruvia)}Where stories live. Discover now