philosophy professor

Start from the beginning


"You have Professor Styles? HE'S SO HOT!" Y/N's roommate Sabrina gushes, falling onto her back on her bed and kicking her feet in the air.

"Doctor Styles", she corrects, "and HE SO IS, AND I TALKED TO HIM." She tackles her on the bed, straddling her lap because the two have had a few intimate nights together over the years while studying over a glass of chardonnay - not a good mix - and are very open about their sexuality, feeling very comfortable with each other. "I asked a question in class, and he didn't really know the answer to it! Felt like a proper philosopher."

"You are pretty smart." Sabrina taps her nose, making Y/N blush and she climbs off her before they start something they can't finish. Y/N knows Sabrina sort of has a girlfriend, and she doesn't want to get in the way of that. "And you have his class every day?"

"Yep! I get to see his sexy ass four days a week, I'm gonna dehydrate from drooling so much." She giggles into her hand while walking to her mini fridge and pulling out a coffee she saved for today. "You took him last year, right? Do you know how old he is? He looks young."

"He's thirty-two. I asked him once when I went to his office hours. He's very open at those times, I had some deep conversations with him." She looks up as if reminiscing on them, smiling while doing so. "I wish I could take his class again before I graduate. I want to try to fuck him."

"Sabrina!" Y/N throws a pillow at her, although she can't deny she isn't thinking the same thing.

"Oh, come on! You can't say you don't want him between your legs." She spreads her thighs after saying, lifting her bottom half off the mattress and Y/N forces herself to look away before she gets too tempted to pull off her roommate's shorts. Being a hormonal twenty-one year old should've came with a pamphlet.


The first month of the fall semester flies by. Y/N has yet to visit Doctor Styles during office hours, but she's spoken in class every day, which is something she hardly does in her other classes. She just wants to hear Doctor Styles' voice directed to her so she can have something to get her off at night (she isn't even the tiniest bit ashamed, except for when she sees him the next class and feels her body heat up as she remembers rubbing her clit while thinking about his cock ramming into her). In class, they had an in depth socratic seminar about Heraclitus and his beliefs, and she plans on speaking about that for maybe two minutes during Doctor Styles' office hours before changing gears and asking about his life - more so his dating life. She really hopes he's single (even if dating a student is frowned upon, and that's if he even likes her that way/is attracted to her).

She finds his office, ESED 2304 and checks the plate "Styles. PhD" before knocking on the open door. The office is quite big to just be used for tutoring, and Y/N has to look around a filing cabinet to see him sitting at his desk.

"Doctor Styles? May I come in?" She steps in anyway, walking towards him and he gestures with a wave.

"Of course you may. Y/N, correct?" She nods. "What can I help you with?"

"The quiz next week over the Pluralists, will that cover everyone we talked about, or just mainly Heraclitus?" She sits down in a seat in front of his desk, crossing her legs and praising herself for wearing a skirt. She hopes he sees her thighs.

"Everyone we talked about. Especially Empedocles."

"Oh, yeah. He believed that love brought everything together, yes?"

"In today's modern language, no. He just used "love" to describe magnetism." He leans back in his seat, placing his right foot on his left thigh and Y/N feels her mouth water as the material of his pants stretch over his crotch, making him appear as if his dick is about to burst out. Y/N immediately feels her cheeks heat, shaking her head and letting her hair fall in front of her face. "Your hair is down."

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