Chapter 18

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Dungeon/cell area

When text is underlined it means they are talking through mind links.

Alyssa POV-

While my mates in the comfort of my arms I mind linked the pack doctors to come and look after Jessica and to bandage the attackers arm so I am able to interrogate him.

I stood with her in my arms and against my chest while everything around us was being managed by the rest of the pack, which were being very mindful not to interrupt us.

When she was ready she slowly made her way out of my grip and whispered "can we go home now please?"

"Of course, whatever you want" I replied.

We shifted into our wolves and ran back to the pack house. I realised it's probably safe enough to keep Kacey here if I stay close to her because I will do everything I can to protect the woman I've fallen in love with.

When we arrived back at the pack house all Kacey wanted to do was go to bed, so she did just that while I send downstairs to 'talk' to the attacker.

When I entered the cell I noticed his arm clearly wasn't wrapped up well, as he did attack the Luna of the pack and he's a prisoner, but it was wrapped just good enough for him to stay conscious and alive so I am able to get some answers from him. I want to know why Kacey is wanted by the alpha of the Risingmoon pack, at least I think it's them.

He was chained up with chains that connected to a bar going from wall to wall so he isn't able to escape. There was also a table to the right with a variety of tools to help persuade him to talk if he chooses not to in the beginning.

"Why did you attack my mate?" I asked while keeping eye contact with him. He had a sinister smile on his face, but didn't answer my question.

"We can do this one of 2 ways, you answer me now and nothing too bad will happen to you, or you continue to stay silent and there will be a lot of pain ahead for you" I told him.

Again he stayed silent causing me to grin because of what was coming to him, he deserved everything he's going to get for trying to hurt my mate.

I go over to the table and I see him watching me through the corner of my eye. I scan over all the tools thinking of ways I can use them to get the information I need. I decided on picking the silver laced whip, the silver will stop his wounds from healing quickly so overall it will cause more pain to him.

I walk back over to him and said "you chose the hard way, your going to get what you deserve" I pulled my arm back and drag it forwards as quick as possible, as soon as it connects with his body all I could hear were screams of agony. I continued to whip him for another 5 minutes until his back and torso were covered in slashes and blood was dripping into a puddle under his feet.

"Why did you attack my mate?" I asked again hoping for an answer, but he was still keeping his mouth shut, even when I could tell he was in immense pain, from how his mouth was clenched.

I go back over to the table and grab the tub of salt, I grab a handful and smeared it into all of the cuts on his back causing him to flail about trying to make the pain stop.

"Please stop I'll tell you, just please don't do it again" he rushes out while sounding in complete utter pain.

"Answer my questions then, who sent you and why?"

"My alpha is in love with her, he has been for years she just never knew" he said.

"Who is you alpha, what pack are you from?"

"I'm from the risingmoon pack, i was sent by Alpha Aaron, he wants to make her his Luna"

When will my mate find me?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt