Chapter 11

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Alyssa POV-

It's been 2 days since Kacey was officially accepted as a member of the pack. People have been asking me if we are going to mate, so our bond is stronger, and she will be able to lead the pack equally with me.

She cant do that now because we aren't officially mates as we haven't completely accepted each other or completed the bond.

Today is my turn at making breakfast, she informed me that one of her favourite breakfast items is breakfast tacos, so I decided to try make them for her.

I decided on making some chorizo and egg tacos, seen as you can't really go wrong with anything including sausage and egg.

(Breakfast taco)

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(Breakfast taco)

For my first time making any sort of taco they turned out okay and looked presentable enough to take up to Kacey.

I decided to take it up to the bedroom so she can eat it in bed, like she did with me about a week ago.

When I waked into the room, she was wide awake and sat up like she knew I was coming up with food.

"Did you know I was coming up? I asked her.

"What's the point in having great hearing and smell of you don't use it" she commented back while smirking.

I've noticed over the past couple of weeks she has started to open more and had become livelier and flirtier.

"I tried to make your favourite; I hope they are to your standards" I said sarcastically.

"They better be, or I think I will need to get a better chef" she replied.

I sat down and handed her plate to her, as soon as she got given it she grabbed a taco from the plate and took a huge chunk out of it.

With her mouth full of food, she managed to say "these are really good, I think you should continue to be my chef" while spitting out a couple of chunks. When she had finished her sentence, she had a lopsided smile on her face, she looked so cute.

"I have something to ask you"

"What is it" she replied.

"Would you be willing to go on a date with me tomorrow night, I will plan everything, and you don't have to do anything except show up and be your pretty self"

"I'll go on one condition"

"Anything, you name it"

"It has to include some sort of food"

"Done" I replied cheerfully.


It's been a couple of hours since I asked her in the date, at first, I had no clue what I was going to do. I mean who asks someone on a date with no plan at all. It was all a spare of the moment thing, she just looked so cute whole eating the taco.

I've finally decided what I want to do, she said she hasn't been to any sort of beach in years and I wanted it to be romantic and of course it had to include food per her request.

So, I decided to go for a candlelit dinner, it'll be at night so no one is around, include something of her favourite food, which I will cook beforehand and have heated up just before we eat. If we have time and the water is not cold I will also go into the water with her.

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