Chapter 14: Relief

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The fighting within the city had continued but half of it was now under SATO marine occupation, the operation had been a decisive SATO victory in that you apprehended the target. He was now cuffed and being guarded by Rio and another SCAR soldier, as the marines continued to search his HQ for any survivors. Rio had kept his guard up the entire time as he guarded Schnee.

You and the others had still been outside the building waiting for the other reinforcements to arrive, Shinya had walked over to you with other marines.

(Y/N): *takes off helmet* So?

Shinya: Command says we have half of the city occupied by our forces and that their still fighting us in pockets of resistance, marines can't find Ironwood anywhere.

SCAR soldier: I did hear he was one of this kingdoms council members. Maybe he had his bodyguards forge him out an escape route.

Kaden: Sir! Look what we found.

You turned to Kaden, a male cat Faunus marine, as he and several others were escorting towards you a young man. When you asked who he was Kaden stated that he was Whitley Schnee, Weiss's brother and youngest child of the Schnee family.

Whitley: Unhand me this instant!

Kaden: *hits him* Shut it! What do we do with him?

(Y/N): *thinks* Put him with the other one in the APC, I'll explain it to the Admiral when we get back. *looks at Jacque* Load him in.

Rio had nodded and grabbed him by the shirt, then escorted him to an armored vehicle. You looked up to see several Jackals fly by towards the city, accompanied by the sound of explosions in the distance.

Shinya: *taps your shoulder* Hey.

(Y/N): Hm?

Shinya: You wanna let em know we're okay?

(Y/N): *shrugs* Why not?

Shinya had deployed a miniature camera drone from an ammo box beside him, he then instructed the SCAR Faunus to gather around as the camera was about to take their photo. They each smiled and removed their helmets and gather around, you knelt down in the front holding one end of the White Fang flag. Each of you smiled as you documented your victory against Atlas, and the Faunus's first ever major combat operation against an external power.


After a few days you and the rest of SCAR Team 9, as well as the surviving marine forces returned to Vale. The operation was deemed a success as you accomplished your goal of capturing Mr. Schnee. You were currently at the SATO Remnant Command HQ with Shinya walking beside Admiral Katsuragi, you had just left a meeting with the commander of REMCOMM on the recent invasion of Atlas. You exited the building and got into a SATO jeep, then drove off the area.

(Y/N): So...what's gonna happen to him?

Admiral: He's going to face trial by the United Nations sometime next week. Rather than have him depart for Earth the UNSA body of Meridian is going to come here for the court trial. Atlas is crippled for the time being...or so we think.

Shinya: Think?

Admiral: Their military is still running despite the heavy beating you guys gave them, and we're receiving word from our intelligence that they're most likely planning more offenses against us. But for now we need to shift our attention back to the Settlement Defense Front. We have their location in two possible locations across this planet.

Shinya: Right. Also ma'am....what about those two we captured? Winter and Whitley Schnee?

Admiral: Winter is a operative of the Atlesian military so in our books she's a prisoner of war, and that kid....well we shall see.

You arrived back at your base and parked the truck. You and Shinya then walked over to Beacon and were met with a disappointing sight. The school had been partially demolished from the missile and was currently being rebuilt by both Vale and SATO engineers. Thankfully no one was hurt and things carried on as usual. You walked down a stone trail and looked up in one of the buildings to see through a window Ruby and Yang, they then suddenly noticed you below.

(Y/N): *waves*

Ruby, as happy as she was, waved back alongside Yang who was thrilled to see Shinya. You understood that they were most likely in the middle of class and decided to leave.

Shinya: *phone rings* Hm? *answers* Mom?

You turned to Shinya as he spoke through the phone.

Shinya: Yeah...We're fine. Yeah we had important business was he's right here.

You took the phone and caught up with your mother who was with the rest of the family back on Meridian, she seemed relieved to hear your voice after several weeks and months. When you finished you ended with "I love you" and hung up.

(Y/N): *hands phone back* We really need to go see them soon.

Shinya: Yeah....but let's kick SetDef's and Atlas's asses first.


You were inside your barracks in the living room with Masaru and Shinya at the table, fiddling with the new type of money inside your wallet. This planets form of currency called Lien. After Remnant became a colony world to the UNSA it was allowed to keep its form of currency rather than integrate it with yours, for fear of ruining the planets economy.

(Y/N): *looks at Shinya* That's a Japan magazine you're reading?

Shinya: *nods* The Prime Minister and Japanese government are talking about sending an embassy to Remnant, even though we already have one in the form of Meridian.

Rio: *walks out of kitchen* Japan. That sounds like a place that's fun.

Masaru: You'd like it.

A gentle knocking then came at your door as you each directed your attention towards it, you got up from the table and looked at the camera from your phone to see who it was. Ruby and her friends stood their with anxious expressions. You opened the door and welcomed them in. Ruby instantly threw her arms around you with a few tears in her eyes.

Ruby: *sniffs* Where have you been?

(Y/N): *hugs her back* Sorry. Took longer than expected. Are you okay though?

Ruby: Yeah. When we saw you earlier outside our campus we told Weiss and Blake, and decided to see you if it's okay.

You turned around to see Yang had tackled your brother onto the couch and planted him with a thousand kisses, Weiss was soon hugging Rio as was Blake with Masaru. Once you assured each of them everything was fine, Weiss demanded to know what had happened with her father.

(Y/N): Well...he's in SATO custody in a detention center somewhere outside of Vale. Also...we have your brother and sister, Winter and Whitley.

Weiss: *shocked* W...what?

Shinya: They're in custody too but note that they're fine. (Y/N) told the Admiral they were your siblings so for your sake...they weren't targeted.

Weiss: Oh...I see. D-do you know what's gonna happen to my family's company?

(Y/N): I don't know.

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