Chapter 7: Equals

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The tensions between SATO and Atlas continued with the people of Vale constantly worried about a conflict with the kingdom, but the military assured them that they would protect them at all cost should that happen. You were currently standing outside of the garrison base with other soldiers, your brother Shinya, and team RWBY waiting for the new reinforcements to arrive.

In the skies above you several Ravens arrived and landed on the open grassy fields in front of the base, the rear bay doors opened and out came young men and a few women dressed in combat uniforms holding rifles. However they weren't humans from another colony world or humans of Remnant at that.

No, they were Faunus. Each and every one of them being led off of the Ravens by human marines. All of them dressed in SATO navy clothing as well and holding NV4 rifles at their sides and pistols at their hips.

Faunus with a variety of different animal traits from ears to tails, to some not being too noticeable at first sight. The SATO Naval ship Terra Nova had a marine crew of 10,000 soldiers. But with the Faunus wanting to join the military that never hated them, but saw them as equals, this number boosted to over 250,000 strong.

Faunus saw the UNSA's military as a great opportunity to become stronger, and a place of equal treatment as well. While the majority of them were being recruited into the marines and navy, the Faunus that had arrived at your base were training for Special Combat Air Recon. To become pilots like you and Shinya.

(Y/N): Huh? So those are the Faunus.

Shinya: I didn't know there were so many of them.

Weiss: What the?! They're actually letting Faunus's fight with them?

You suddenly noticed Blake's angered expression toward Weiss. The others didn't know about it but you, your brother, and a few of the SATO pilots on base knew that Blake was a Faunus. The Faunus that each passed her gave her looks of disgust and eyes of hatred, as the knew she was the daughter of the CEO of the Schnee Dust Company.

And since the company had close ties with the Atlas military they too were deemed as a potential threat to SATO.

Ruby: Weiss!

Weiss: What? I'm just being a realist.

Yang: No you're being a racist.

(Y/N): She is right you know.

Alan: You're sounding like a racist.

Weiss: I'm not a racist, I just don't think that the Faunus should be trusted given their reputation with the former White Fang!

You each glanced at Weiss with angered faces with Blake being the angriest of all, seeing the proud heiress to the Schnee Dust Company revealing her true colors.

Weiss: What?

Blake: Arghh! You brat!

SATO Marine: The fuck is wrong with you?!

Weiss: Wh.....How dare you speak to an heiress like that?


What followed was a heated argument between you, a few marines, your brother, and Weiss about her supposed racist views about the Faunus. During the confrontation Blake herself ended up "accidentally" revealed to everyone she was a Faunus all along. She ended up storming out of the room. Weiss had ended up leaving as well to try and make amends with Blake.

You and the other marines watched her leave with disgusted eyes.

Owen: What the hell was her problem?

Shinya: I swear when I first met her I thought nothing of the sort that she was a racist. Yang did you know?

Yang: Well....yes and no.

(Y/N): What do you mean?

Ruby: We sorta knew she didn't have any sympathy for the Faunus but never really pestered her about it.

Mike: *points at Ruby* So you knew she was discriminatory and did nothing at all?

Ruby: *flinches* Eep! W-well...

(Y/N): Mike, that's enough. You're scaring her.

Mike: Oh....sorry.

Shinya: Since I've been on this world I never really understood why humans here hate the Faunus, whereas we love them. I did my research and apparently this isn't anything new to what I can tell. I don't know why they're hated here when they seem fine to us. 

It wasn't a lie.

When SATO was first stationed in Menagerie sometime after the UNSA made Remnant a colony world, they treated the Faunus as if they were no different from other humans. The marines did not show hatred toward them like most humans on Remnant did and respected their race greatly. 

The Faunus finally felt what it was like to be treated equally by humans, even if they were humans from other worlds. This also prompted most of the male Faunus in the region to join the Solar Associated Treaty Organization. In return the United Nations Space Alliance welcomed them with open arms as they would make fine marines, navy officers, and SCAR pilots.

When news of their existence reached the colony world of Meridian, people were astounded by them and long to meet this new race.

But even so the arrival of Faunus in the military was still in its infancy and many of them were still trying to make a name for themselves.

Ruby: *lowers head* We're sorry about earlier (Y/N). Our team member is...different from us. *begins to leave hanging her head in shame* Come on Yang....let's go.

Yang: W...wait...Ruby? *looks back and forth at her and Shinya* B..but.... *starts to slowly tear up*

You could tell Yang felt her relationship with your brother was most likely ending. You started to feel bad a bit and decided to do something about it.

(Y/N): *stops Ruby* Hey now. Don't end it just yet, we're still cool Ruby.

Ruby: W......we are..? But-

(Y/N): *hugs her* Right Shinya?

Shinya: *hugs Yang* Of course we're still cool. *looks at Yang and wipes away her tears* Hey, no more crying. You're stronger than that. You can be creepy at times hitting on me in public....but I find it funny.

Yang hugged your brother back realizing her short but yet special bond she forged with Shinya hadn't been severed. The other marines in the room agreed as well but even so still had some resentment toward Weiss but were cool with Ruby, Yang, and Blake. The door suddenly busted open and a male fox Faunus marine stepped in with news on an ongoing operation.

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