Chapter 8: First Battle

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You flew beside Shinya closely in your Jackals through the orbit of the planet below you, behind you were 20 other Jackals. Each of them piloted by the young Faunus that had recently become SCAR members. You were currently in the void of space above Remnant heading toward a SATO mining facility situated in the planets low orbit, to investigate its lost communication.

This mission was also another training test for the Faunus to get familiar with space. Given that they, and very much the rest of Remnant, have never been outside of their planet before this was a crucial part of their training. Since they were now pilots they were expected to be ready for space-based operations.

Rio: We must be close sir, the signals getting stronger.

(Y/N): Yeah. I see it.

Shinya: What's it like for you to be off your planet for the first time?

Rio: Bleak if we're being honest. Space is very dark.

Rio Bernadotte was a fox Faunus and was a fast learner within SATO. Within the first weeks of his training among everyone else he was the star cadet in flight school. He passed each of his physical test with flying colors and qualified for SCAR instantly.

After a bit more traveling the station came within range of the asteroid. Coming into view was the complex of facilities atop of it. You each parked your Jackals on top of a platform and departed from the ships.

The Faunus soon followed suit and emerged into the vacuum of space for the first time, activating their breathers and following you and Shinya closely.

Faunus: This is space...? *looks around* 

Rio: There's really no air around us.

Shinya: Come on slackers, no time for sightseeing.

Faunus: Y-yes sir!

You and the group walked across the metal platform and into the facility which was entirely dark, save for the emergency lights that were on. Stepping into the lobby the door behind you closed and the air began to pressurize around you.

You took point and aimed your rifle into the air ahead of you, slowly walking through the partially lit halls of the facility. Shinya following beside you closely and Rio leading the other Faunus behind him. You passed by a window that had a view of a laboratory which caused you to stop.

Shinya: What?

You gestured to the lab room and stepped inside to see a horrific sight. There were the bodies of miners and scientist on the floor that seemed to have their necks snapped, blood on the walls as well. Adding to this was a SATO maintenance bot sitting in the corner. Rio walked over to investigate it.

Rio: It's twitching.

Shinya: Why's it moving like that?

(Y/N): And what the hell killed these guys....?

Shinya: You don't think the bots did this, do you?

Faunus: They can't do that, right?

You stood up and left the room with the others to continue the search for any survivors, walking through the hallways you noticed blood on the walls beside you causing you to feel uneasy. Shinya stayed closed to your side the entire time given that, as brothers, you both looked out for one another.

Arriving at another hallway you stopped to see more dead bodies of scientists and a few robots, the bots being down and unresponsive. Or at least you thought. Shinya reached to touch one of them when out of the blue it grabbed him by the neck. Panicked as much you fired at its arm destroying it completely.

Faunus: You hurt sir?

Shinya: *coughs* I'm good.

Fear began to circulate among the group as you wondered why the robots were acting the way they were, given that they were designed to protect the scientist stationed here. A sound went off near you and you turned to see it was Rio's wrist computer. He stated that the signal was getting stronger and that the survivors were near. You each continued on locked and loaded to the teeth.

Arriving at a hangar you were met with a surprise attack, not from SDF, but from more SATO bots as they began to rush towards you and your team, their eyes red and systems making horrifying noises.

(Y/N): Fire!!

You and the team fired on the bots rushing towards you, shooting them down one by one. Reloading your weapon one of them managed to slip past you and tackle you to the ground, you drew your combat knife and drove it into the bots neck area, severing its head from its body. after what seemed like forever they finally stopped as you killed each of them.

Rio: What the hell was that?

Faunus: Why's our own tech shooting at us?

Shinya: I don't know. SetDef must have got into their programing. Come on...we're close.

You and the group continued on until you reached a large door at the end of another hallway, the signal from your wrist computer was at its highest its ever been. The survivors were behind that door. You and the others approached it and stacked up around the door, Shinya grabbing one side while RIo grabbed another.

The both of them then pulled it open and you rushed in to calm down the scientist aiming pistols at you.

(Y/N): SATO forces!! SATO forces!!

Scientist: Get back!! Now!!

Shinya: *raises hand* I'm sergeant Shinya Kurosaki! We're here to rescue you!

The scientist gradually calmed down. You stepped forward and asked one of them to explain everything that happened, and your suspicions were correct. SetDef launched an attack on the station most likely to strike at SATO's orbital defenses and cut their eyes in space out. The facility began to shake again and you and your brother could hear more bots coming.

(Y/N): Okay everyone on me! You scientist stay close and don't stray from the group!!

Shinya called in an extract as you and the Faunus pilots loded your weapons. Opening the door you began to fight your way to the LZ.


The operation was over for the time being and the scientist were safe. You and your brother were currently explaining to Admiral Katsuragi what had happened.

Admiral: They hacked their programing?!

Shinya: *nods* Yes ma'am. Our own mechs attacked us but we managed to save them. They were coded and encrypted using SetDef technology.

(Y/N): So now that we have proof SetDef is over this world...what the hell are we to do now?

Admiral: *sighs* No. I won't bother RENCOMM for this. We have to keep looking for them ourselves. Anything else important I need to know?

Shinya: Yeah. This.

Shinya handed the Admiral a data drive he found on a dead SetDef soldier during the operation.

Shinya: It looked important and I felt it might tell us something. Though I don't know why a random soldier would carry this in the field.

Admiral: Hmm....this is going to take a while for us to decrypt. Good work boys. I'll have the tech guys get to work on decrypting this thing. More importantly how's it go with our new recruits?

(Y/N): *nods* They're ready Admiral. Faunus's sure do know how to fight.

Admiral Katsuragi then dismissed the both of you. After saluting you left.

Remnant's New Knights (Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare X RWBY Crossover)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن