As Daniel rushed out of the dining area, he stopped abruptly at the sight of Pan. His back faced toward him while he looked out into the distance. He wondered how long he had been standing there. Did he hear what Zach said?

"Pan," he finally spoke up, "Is something wrong?"

"Someone's here." Pan replied sternly.

"The shadow brought somebody?"

"No, they came uninvited."


Breakfast was cut short to say the least. Pan ordered the boys to grab their weapons and meet near the clearing to the beach. Only Daniel had the slightest clue of what was possibly going on, but questions still ran through his head. Everyone on the island had gotten here the same way: the shadow. They figured out those two magic words and took a leap of faith, which led them to Neverland. Intruders were rare if not impossible.

Once all the boys had retrieved their weapons, they proceeded to the beach. Their breathing was calm, but their hearts thudded loudly in their chests as their knuckles whitened from clutching their weapons so tightly. As they reach the end of the clearing, they finally meet the island's newest arrivals.

A group of men gathered on the sand in front of a large, worn-down ship. Its black flag with an unforgettable white skull waved high in the cool ocean breeze as if mocking the boys and their amateur weapons. The men smiled widely and hooted at the sight of them. A young woman watched the boys approach her vessel as a sweet smirk tugged at her lips.

"Peter Pan, it's been what, a couple decades or so? Time sure does fly, doesn't it?" Her dark brown locks cascaded over her shoulders while she descended the ship, the sun spotlighting every one of her features. Fierce hazel-green eyes gazed over the armed boys, "Is this how you treat all your guests? If I were you, I would tell your boys to lower their weapons."

Standing tall and completely unfazed, Pan huffed amusingly, "And why should I take orders from you?"

"Don't think of it as an order, more like a request for a gesture of good will for say," the woman defended innocently. "Especially when I have something quite valuable of yours."

She looked back and nodded at her chuckling crew. The few in the front step aside to reveal a girl. Her dark hair hung over her tired face. She didn't fight the pirates who held her or try to break free from the shackles around her wrist. The girl seemed so unrecognizably defeated that they would've never guessed it was Cassandra.

Pan, on the other hand, immediately recognized her brown eyes, still full of anger and disappointment, piercing through hair. For a moment, his once confident expression faltered. His heartbeat rose ever so slightly while his shoulders tensed. He couldn't understand the whirlwind of emotions inside of him. Was it fear? Worry? Pan ignored the familiar sensation as he dropped his sword by his feet. It didn't matter how he felt currently, all that mattered was Cassandra belonged to Neverland. Therefore, she belonged to him.

The boys followed him and abandoned their weapons as well. The Captain smiled in satisfaction, "Now that's better."

"What do you want?" Pan asked keeping his eyes directly on her while trying not to sneak glances at Cassandra.

"To offer you a deal, a business proposition," she answered. "You see, I'm in search of a plant, whose sap causes the longest, most dreadful death imaginable. I'm sure you know of it. My deal is simple: supply me the plant and be my business partner. And in return, you and your island will have my protection."

Pan scoffed, "What makes you think I need your protection?"

"I consider myself a generous captain. When others find out about your plant and sail into your waters, I can't promise you that they'll be as generous as me."

"And what if I refuse?"

She shrugged as she held her hands behind her back, "I'll storm Neverland myself and with each step I take, I'll burn it to the ground."

"And the girl?" Pan gave Cassandra no more than just a nod. He refused to show any form of weakness in front of his former acquaintance.

"Your little gem right here?" She strutted over to Cassandra and began to play with the ends of her hair, "You know there is a quite a big price on the head of the missing queen-to-be. I'm sure her parents will pay a great sum for her safe return home."

"But of course I'll have to pay my men at some point. She is a pretty one for sure, a sight for sore eyes," she ran a delicate finger down her cheek as Cassandra turned away from her. "Maybe I'll let them satisfy their animalistic desires before I give her up and even have a little taste for myself."

The Captain looked back at Pan and noticed his tightly closed fists as he tried to remain collected. She released a small laugh, more than satisfied with the reaction she received from him. She stepped away from Cassandra and dismissed the men with a simple wave of her hand.

"Since I am such an understanding captain, as you already know, I'll give you 'til tonight to make your decision."

She tipped her hat and followed her men back on to the ship, her smirk never left her face, "Until then, Peter."

The minute the pirates had left his sight, Pan made a beeline back into the forest. The boys frantically picked up their weapons and went after him.

"Who the hell was that?" Zach yelled; Pan remained silent.

"Pan!" He called out again, "Pan, don't you dare keep us in the dark again! Especially when Cass' life is on the line." At the mention of her name, Pan promptly stopped in his tracks. "Now, who was that?"

"Sage," Pan finally answered hesitantly, "Sage Miranda."

"Sounds like you know her," Daniel spoke up once him and the rest of the boys caught up to him.

He shook his head, "I used to, not anymore."

"So are we going to give her the dreamshade?" Jack asked, partially out of breath.

"Are you crazy?" Jonah scolded Jack for thinking about even considering Sage's deal, "There's a reason that plant is here and not out in the real world. The realms would break out into complete chaos!"

"Not to mention, Sage will become the most powerful leader in all the realms," Corbyn added.

Daniel crossed his arms, clearly conflicted and looked back to their leader, "What are your thoughts, Pan?"

"We're not giving Sage the dreamshade, that's for sure," Pan agreed with Jonah and Corbyn then paused to deliberate his current options. However, one thing didn't sit well with Pan since Sage offered her proposal. After so many visits to Neverland, Sage should know well how and where to find the dreamshade on her own. She doesn't need him. She had to have other intentions, rather it be revenge or to simply boast about her new power. Pan needed more time to figure her out.

"If Sage wants to play, let's play. But the game is about to change."

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