Chapter 57

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Hello my loves! Funny how snow can turn a whole city upside down huh? I've had so much snow recently they cancelled school yesterday and today the buses are not running so I still am unable to attend. Such a shame right? Nah, I'm so happy lol. I honestly really needed these past few days just to relax, review and reflect if you know what I mean.

I managed to finish this chapter up for you all so enjoy! What do you think of Reyna's new guardian?



I was falling. Peculiar as that would seem.

Farther and farther down into the abyss into the void. Falling into nothingness. A never ending nightmare which continued to drag me further from the surface. Deeper, darker, dropping like a stone.

My voice ripped from my throat as I loosed a blood curdling scream. I was alone. Eric was gone. Justin was gone. Everyone was gone. I was falling and had nobody to catch me. Nothing to save me.

I had to escape- had to get out.

The stones loomed forwards as I neared them. Closer they appeared their jagged edges unforgiving and ready to tear flesh, break bone. To break me.

I peered upwards one last time realizing with a start the bridges had shattered.

NO! This was wrong! This did not happen. The bridges broke after I killed Eric, not as I was falling...

I watched in horror as Justin slid over the edge Liam diving after him. Their hands brushed right as a chunk of ice nailed Liam in the shoulder. He cried out shifting and swooping out of the way.

The damage had already been done. Justin plummeted above me as Liam released heartbreaking wail.

I shot upright from my bed my hand shooting to the place beside me. My nightgown was plastered to my body slick with sweat. My mind crumbled back to the present as I gasped for breath.

I stared at my hand, at the empty place beside me where it had reached for.

Empty. Justin. Gone.

My pants echoed around my bedchamber sending my heart in a frenzy.

I was safe. Everything was fine. I'm fine. All is well. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything-

A scream loosed from my lips as I brought my legs to my chest. I couldn't breath. Justin was falling. Liam was hurt. I was hitting the stones. Again. Again. Again.

It was a never ending cycle. My body cracking, the bridge shattering, as I stabbed Eric, Justin falling... Again, Again, Again.

The sound of my body hitting the stones repeatedly was devastating. I couldn't take it. I couldn't do this. How could I be a queen? A ruler? I wasn't even a royal wolf. I was just as bad as Eric.

Sobs shook my frame as I rocked myself from side to side the blanket falling away.

It wouldn't stop.

Make it stop. I mouthed the words silently voicing them aloud.

A shout echoed from outside the door as my guards shuffled in carefully. One slipped on the extra slickness of the ice in my room hitting the ground with a deafening crunch.

I cried shakily as the remaining guard backed out of the room before sprinting off down the hall. I was alone.

Nobody cared. Nobody was here. I was going to die. Again. Again. Again.

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