Chapter Twenty+Six

Start from the beginning

Eartha noticed that she still had her night cap on, her husband was also still in pyjamas. They must have been woken up from their sleep by the police's notice.

'Good morning,' the younger lady said. She looked to be seven to nine years younger than Eartha.

'Good morning,' Mide said and Eartha quickly regained herself, mumbling her greetings.

'I'm so excited to finally see you guys, why Eniiyi has been going on and on about you for days!' the woman laughed.

'Same here, ma'am,' said Mide, All the gentleman. 'We appreciate all you've done for us,' he added, looking at the husband.

Eartha found her voice. 'Yeah, thank you soo much!' She felt tears ducts start to open up and quickly tamped it down.

'I'm Somto, Somtochukwu Okenwa, and this is my wife, Chinagorom.' He drew his smiling wife closer to him with one hand.

'It is really nice to meet you, sir and ma'am. I'm Olumide Makanjuola and my wife—'

'Eartha,' said Eartha. She didn't see to all the unnecessary prologues, all she wanted was to see her baby again. Why did people have to be so formal in everything. But she didn't want to seem rude, anyways.

It seemed Chinagorom shared her thoughts too. She rolled her eyes and started to stand up, motioning to her husband. They had been sitting by the foot of the bed.

'When we were informed that you'd been found on Sunday, we had told the kids, but not that you were coming today or this early. We wanted it to be a surprise for Eniiyi,' China said as they continued walking.

'Aww, thanks.' Eartha smiled genuinely at China which the other lady returned.

'We take it you're almost here?' asked Somtochukwu as his wife disappeared from view, probably to open a bedroom door.

Mide glanced at the GPS receiver at the front again. 'Yes. We're sixteen minutes away.'

'Ah! You're almost here then!' he said, entering a room and pulling the door closed.

Then he turned to the screen away from himself. Mide and Eartha could see a small figure curled up under the bedspread, long, thick hair spread out askew.

Their hearts thumped faster in trepidation. It was Adekunbi!

They watched, hearts in mouth, as China climbed unto the bed. 'Wakey wakey!' she sang.

The figure moved slightly and then straightened. 'Mmhmm . . . good morning ma,' the figure mumbled.

Eartha didn't know when a strangled sound escaped from behind her lips. It was her baby! God, she never thought she'd hear that voice anytime soon!

Eniiyi had heard the sound and was already turning towards the source when China and Somto hollered.


She almost jumped, her eyes widening in surprise as she looked towards the laptop Somto was turning towards her.
She blinked and rubbed at her eyes because the two figures in the screen looked vaguely familiar.

'Mommy? Daddy?' she mumbled, the cobwebs of sleep instantly shaking off her face.

'My baby!' The tears Eartha had tamped down now surfaced. 'Oh my God!'

Eniiyi flew up from the bed, the bedspread sailing in the air to land to the other side in a crumpled heap. 'Mommy! Daddy!' she screamed.

Somto set the laptop in front of her and hugged his wife.

'Yes, Eniiyi, it's Daddy and Mommy.' The guy and his wife were also moved to tears.

'Mommy! Daddy!' Eniiyi screamed again.

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