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"Miss Pennyworth" someone was shaking me out of my sleep.

"Ashely......" I heard a sigh and the shaking continued. I opened my heavy eyes getting sick of being shaken.

"What?!" I looked up to see Jonathan Crane staring at me with a distasteful look.

"Miss Pennyworth.. Dr. Young has been calling for you." I looked at the clock 12:00pm last time I checked it was 9:00. I rubbed my eyes and looked over at Jonathan.

"Thank you Mr. Crane."

"Yes, and I have something to ask you after you are done talking to her."

"Is she in her office?" He nodded his head and led me towards the door his eyes boring into my back.

"I'll meet you in your office when I'm done, is that okay?"

"Yes that would be perfect." I left Jonathan's office shaking the strange feeling that I was forgetting something.

I walked to Dr. Youngs office wondering what she was going to lecture me about now..

I made it to the door and slowly pushed it open, she stood there waiting for me to enter.

"Hello Miss Pennyworth i'm glad to see you finally made it."

"Sorry about that...I uh, got caught up with work." I held back my smile knowing she would question me more.

"Well if you would sit down, I would like to speak to you about some matters."

I sat down in front of her my nervousness growing.

"I was informed that you wanted to help with a new patient, Mr. Falcone?"

"Yes, I was just curious about him. I was looking through his files and noticed that he had no background of mental illness, plus he was one of Gothams biggest crime lords."

"Yes, well I approved of you sitting in with Dr. Crane. The thing is Ashley I have been suspicious about the way Falcone has been acting. His family came to visit him and told me that they couldn't recognize him.....we asked his family questions about his recent behavior and if they noticed anything odd about him and they told me he has never acted this way until he got in here."

I took in what Dr. Young was telling slowly putting a puzzle in my brain together.

"When do I start sitting in on sessions?" I asked eagerly.

"Today if you like, Crane has a two thirty session so you could make that after lunch." Dr. Young was being so cheerful and happy with me which was concerning because she never was too fond of me...

"Thank you so much Dr. Young." I stood up from my desk and turned away from her.

"Wait Ashley." She grabbed my hand and turned me around.


she handed me a yellow manila file, probably a copy of Falcone's

"Be careful around Crane." and with those words left in my head, she pushed me out the door.

I walked back to my office awaiting my meeting with Crane.

"Well that was a quick meeting." Jonathan was standing at my office waiting for me.

"Yeah she approved our dual meetings with Falcone."

"Wonderful. I wanted to show you something before we start on our second meeting."

"Um, well we ha-" my pager started to beep.

"Hold on." I looked down and saw that it was cell 76, which was The Riddler.

"Sorry Jonathan I have to take this."

"Of course." he sighed and walked away from me.

**Okay guys you gotta help me out with this story its been rough trying to re-edit this book. If you could give me some suggestions on how you want this story to go that would be awesome!! Thank you to my faithful readers who had to read this book when it was absolutely terrible! Love you guys!!"

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