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Sometimes good people end up in bad situations.

I consider myself a good person and in Gotham, there are not many. I live in probably one of the worst neighborhoods in Gotham. That's all I could afford. My name is Ashley Pennyworth, I'm a psychiatrist at Arkham Asylum, I am twenty years old and I have lived in Gotham all my life. My parents left this world a long time ago, they died in a car accident...I was in the back at five years old. A drunk driver hit us head on and they died on impact. I was left in the care of many relatives until finally I got old enough to take care of myself. At one point after college I had the chance to move somewhere else than Gotham, but I couldn't bring myself to do it Gotham was and always will be my home. I always dreamed I could live in one of the ritzy neighborhoods down by Wayne Enterprises, but the impact of student debt kept me down.

I now live on my own in a crappy apartment building full of drug lords, gang members, and any criminal you can imagine. Of course they haven't been caught yet but trust me I know what kind of person they are.

I looked at my clock realizing that I was late for work and sped down my stairs.

"Hey, Ashley where you goin huh?" My scummy landlord called to me.

"I'm leaving for work Ralph, and I'll bring my rent tonight!" He had been hankering me for my rent, even though I paid it two weeks ago. Most likely he just needed more money for his alcohol addiction. I waved it off and walked quickly to my car avoiding eye contact with some suspicious looking people at the edge of the building. I got in my car and turned the key. I couldn't wait to get out of this neighborhood even though I had to go to work. It wasn't that bad, I didn't mind some of my patients and I got to talk to commissioner Gordon once and a while if he was bringing in a new crazy. Of course there were some times I wish I was home, when Victor Zasz was brought in he broke out of his restraints in our first session and tried to slit my throat, thankfully not succeeding. I still have the scar though. As I made my usual morning drive to Arkham I saw Wayne Enterprise towering above Gotham, the sun peaking through the clouds making the building shine on the city and brighten it up.
Nothing could make Gotham a better place not even the sun itself....


**Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my first ever fanfic!! Please come back to read more soon as I will be updating frequently!**

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