Arkham Asylum

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As I drove through the Arkham gates, I pulled up into to the front lawn only to to spot one of the doctors getting out of his car. I looked and was met with the face of Jonathan Crane, he usually liked to keep to himself and we barely talked because to be honest the guy gave me the creeps....but today, he looked in my direction and gave a half smile and walked towards the entrance of the asylum. I got out of my car and followed him in. We finally me up at the doors which were locked.

"Good morning Doctor......It seems I left my card at home could yo-"

"Good morning Jonathan and yes, I have mine right here."

I pushed my card through and heard the door click open.

He looked at me and waited.

"Ladies first."

I walked through the doors and saw Jim Gordon the Commissioner of the GCPD.

"Commissioner, what are you doing here?"

"Ashley, nothing much to worry about just bringing back the Joker. He's not very happy so I would stay far away, he already attempted to slice a nurse."

"Oh, is he going into the intensive care unit?"

"Yes why do you ask?"

"Perfect, that's my department I take care of the level three patients. I knew this day was just going to keep getting better. Thank you Commissioner, I'll be on my way."

"Anytime, and be careful."

I made my way into my office and got ready for my first patient of the day. Edward Nygma, AKA The Riddle, Obsessive about Riddles, and very high IQ. I heard a knock a t the door.

"Doc, you're first patient is here."

"Bring him in."

"Hello.....Doctor." a grin appeared on his face.

"Hello Mr. Nygma." I motioned for the guard to leave us and close the door.

"How have you been lately?"

"Not too well around all these idiots. If I have to hear Jervis Tech ask where his Alice is..."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"Poor people have it, rich people need it, if you eat it you die, what is it?"


"Exactly there is nothing I can do about this problem except bear through it."

He looked up at me with a smirk.

"This is the reason you are one of my favorite Doctors you understand me, and you answer my riddles." I tried not to smile I didn't want to encourage his behavior.

"Is there anything else you want to talk about?"

"No I think that's all....."

"Well Mr. Nygma sorry for the short session."

The guard came back into the room and took away Edward, before he left he gave me a wink which of course sent a red blush up to my cheeks, thankfully he didn't see.

After some extensive paperwork I decided to grab my lunch only to hear a bloodcurdling scream.

I stepped out of my office and looked down the hallway.

"Listen here, I need you all to give me Mr. Bane's magic serum or this Nurse here gets a smile"

**Hey, hope you liked this chapter! I know they are kind of short, but I try. PLEASE comment below and hope you enjoy this random story!!**

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