Chapter 1: Comatose

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"Have you heard? Wang Yibo crashed his motorcycle during practice this afternoon," exclaimed fan account XYZ123 on Weibo.

"OMG, my poor baby!"

"I heard he's been practicing for the race. He's such a hardworking person."

"My Er Wang-zi* must have over exhausted himself T_T"

*Play-on word for Yibo's last name Wang, where Wangzi means prince. Er is second, in this case, Yibo is the second son.

One hour after the accident, various social media exploded with comments and concerns for this individual as he was seeking treatments at Yunmeng Hospital.

Twenty-six years old Wang Yibo was the second son of the Wang Family who was well-known for the establishment of the Gusu school system: from primary school to college. Because of their prestigious background, Yibo and his older brother Hai Kuan have always been under the public's watchful gaze. On top of being the best in his class, Wang Yibo was also known for his dancing skills since primary school. After performing for a talent show, he has been participating in various events until he was offered a contract with UNIQ Entertainment after high school. While his dancing abilities brought him into the entertainment industry, Yibo has since released various singles, cast for one TV drama, and became a recurrent guest on Celebrity Olympic 101. This show exposes celebrities to various sports such as skateboarding, skiing, and racing. It was from this show that Yibo gained interest in motorcycle racing and has participated in two professional races since. The current accident occurred while Yibo was practicing for his upcoming race in September.


Yunmeng Hospital was located at the center of Beijing city and contained three VIP floors. With a well-established security system, most celebrities chose to seek medical management here. Wang Yibo can be considered a frequent visitor due to various injuries from dancing to racing. His primary doctor was Jiang Zhuo Cheng, son of Yunmeng Hospital's President. However, Jiang Cheng was on a business trip so Yibo's management was handed over to the twenty-nine years old on-call doctor, Xiao Zhan.

In a private suite on one of the VIP floors lay an unconscious Wang Yibo. Sitting nervously on the side chair was Yibo's manager, Ji Li. With one shaking leg and biting the opposite thumb, he watched various medical staff examining Yibo. After two hours had passed, Ji Li mustered up the courage to interrupt Yu Bin, the main nurse, about Yibo's condition.

Yu Bin gave a comforting smile, "I'll have Dr. Xiao explain it since he's the doctor."

Ji Li nodded and waited for Yu Bin to bring Xiao Zhan back into the room.

"Manager Ji?" Just like his nurse, Xiao Zhan also provided a comforting smile that ensured Ji Li that all was well.

"Y-yes, I'm Ji Li. Wang Yibo's manager. How is he, Dr. Xiao?" Ji Li nervously stuttered.

"I've just reviewed his lab works and imaging. There wasn't anything abnormal asides from visible bruises and cuts. If he wakes up in pain, it's mainly from muscle strain," Xiao Zhan explained.

"Then why hasn't he woken up?"

"I've reviewed his head CT with a colleague and there's no fracture or bleed, so he probably has a concussion and just requires some time to recover. He should wake up the next day for two." Xiao Zhan gently patted Ji Li's shoulder for reassurance. "Will his family members be here today?"

"Y-yes. I've already contacted them and his brother, Hai Kuan, is on his way."

Xiao Zhan nodded his head in acknowledgment, "Let me know if they have questions and I'll be glad to explain it to them."

Ji Li bowed lightly as Xiao Zhan and Yu Bin exited the room.


Twenty minutes later, Wang Hai Kuan arrived with his husband Cao Zan Jin. After Ji Li relay the crash incident and Yibo's status to the pair of husbands, Xiao Zhan also stopped by to provide a quick update for the family members. Mr. and Mrs. Wangs were currently out of the country and their emergency flight won't arrive until tomorrow evening.

Hai Kuan requested to stay overnight since Yibo was in a comatose state, but Xiao Zhan assured him that Yibo's health was stable and him staying overnight won't change that. If anything happens, the hospital will contact him immediately. Zan Jin and Ji Li also agreed with Xiao Zhan's words and persuaded Hai Kuan to return home.

"I will drop the kids off tomorrow so you can return here early and stay here all day with Yibo." Zan Jin squeezed Hai Kuan's hand in comfort.

Hai Kuan smiled at his lovely husband, grateful to have someone who can support him in times like this.


The next morning at the Wang residence. "Father, are you going to visit Uncle Yibo?" two boys asked simultaneously as they ran down the stairs.

Hai Kuan kneeled down to their height. "I am. Your Dad will take you to school today so behave." Hai Kuan ruffled their heads, holding back a smile as he looked at Zan Jin.

Zan Jin rolled his eyes and gave Hai Kuan a kiss on the cheek. He then pushed the two boys towards the car.

"I'll speak to Uncle Zi Teng after I drop the kids off," Zan Jin turned around and whispered.

"Thank You," Hai Kuan replied.


Hai Kuan arrived at Yibo's room as Yu Bin was finishing up his routine check-up. "Mr. Wang, good morning."

"Good morning, how's my brother?" Hai Kuan inquired.

"There's been no changes since last night. Dr. Xiao should be here in an hour. He'll let you know if there are any updates." Yu Bin bowed his head as he exited the room.

Hai Kuan's primary role was an assistant principal for his Uncle Zi Teng at Gusu High School. He also acted as a substitute history teacher for all grade levels. Having two professional roles, Hai Kuan still has tasks that he needed to complete even when he's away from the school.

After spending two hours grading papers, Hai Kuan looked over at Yibo and sighed. "Little brother, you should wake up before Mother and Father arrive or else they'll ban you from racing in the future. You know they dote on you a lot and never wanted you to participate in such a dangerous sport so don't prove them right do you hear?"

Perhaps comatose people still have their hearing perception intact because Yibo started to move his fingers after Hai Kuan finished his threat. Noticing this, Hai Kuan immediately grabbed Yibo's hand and tried to wake him up. After several failed attempts, he notified the nurses.

Minutes later, Xiao Zhan ran into the room with Yu Bin. While other nurses checked Yibo's vitals, Xiao Zhan was about to shine a light into Yibo's eyes to check his pupil reactions when he started to wake up.

Straining his eyes from the brightness of the room, Yibo slowly refocused his vision. The first sight that appeared was a handsome six-foot-tall man clad in a white coat and a pair of circular glasses that accentuated his slim face. As if his vision was locked onto this individual, Yibo watched as the man changed his serious expression to a brightful smile that showcased two bunny teeth. In the far, far back of Yibo's current jumbled mind was one word: Cute.

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