(Fluff): Shinobu and Mitsuri's Hearty Double Date

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(Fluff): Shinobu and Mitsuri’s Hearty Double Date

A week had passed since Y/N regained his memories thanks to Shinobu. Shinobu and Y/N had officially become boyfriend and girlfriend. His proof of worth and love to her were now reminded by the thick scars underneath the navy blue Kimono with gold colour butterfly pattern he was wearing.

A month ago Shinobu made a promise with Mitsuri when Y/N was still recovering his memories. She promised when Y/N fully recovered his memories the two would go on a double date. Since the defeat of Muzan and a few other demons, demons had stopped appearing and have gone into hiding which meant that Pillars were able to act freely. And Shinobu and Mitsuri took this opportunity to plan a double date with the boys.

"All done!" Shinobu told Y/N as she smiled tucking the last end of his obi into the gap of the knot. Then stared at him from head to toe fixing his shirt to maintain a flawless appearance. Brushing his hair with her hair comb.

"Do I really have to go? Shino chan!" Y/N whined like a child throwing a fit, stomping his floor on the mattress that he had to spend the whole day with Iguro which he detested. “Obanai is a meanie! And He glares at me all the time!” The mention of Iguro’s name angered Y/N. “He doesn’t even respect me and he puts everyone below him…” He complained to Shinobu, like a child tattling to his mother. When Shinobu and Y/N were at the living room he stood his ground, while Shinobu pushed him trying to get him to the door.

“Y/N stop it or we’re going to be late!” Shinobu pushed him harder, but when she did Shinobu’s foot slipped on the surface of the matt pushing Y/N down with her. Her chest pressing against his chest.

“Kanjiro! You should knock before entering!” Iguro placed a hand on Mitsuri’s shoulder halting her from opening the door of the Butterfly Estate living room.

“It’s alright Iguro...Shinobu chan lets me.” Mitsuri smiled at Iguro as he pushed his hand away, her other hand slowly opening the sliding door to the living room. “Shinobu chan lets me-” Mitsuri was suddenly cut off by what she saw. Her face suddenly flustered seeing the sight of Shinobu on top of Y/N, her hand pinning his right wrist while her knee was pinning down at the area near his groin. Their lips lightly touched. “KYAAAAAAAAAA!!!!” Mitsuri squealed, fangirling at their relationship.

Shinobu startled by screams pushed Y/N away, for the goofball that he was for not realising that Mitsuri and Iguro stood there with a hint of blush on their cheeks. Shinobu trembled with embarrassment, she felt her throat tighten, stuttering at a single sound unable to speak a full work or sentence. Her face was red as a tomato, steam emitting from her head collapsing on the floor with embarrassment.

“S--shino chan!” Y/N called out to Shinobu as he ran by her side, starting to panic hands shaking her unconscious form. “S-Shino chan! Wake up!”

“I can’t believe it! Shinobu chan and Y/N kun are finally together!” Mitsuri blurted out with hearts flowing out her head happy that Y/N and Shinobu finally confessed to each other. Conversing with each other, Shinobu covering her mouth with her sleeve giggling as they walked down a path next to perfect scenery. Shops on their left and the sea side on their right. Birds chirping in the distance as the wind on a bright sunny day. Y/N and Iguro following closely behind, on poor terms with each other.

“Even if you are human now, that doesn’t mean you remove yourself from your tainted blood. Kocho’s pet will only ever be Kocho’s pet” Iguro pointed a finger at him as he debilitated him, since he too detested demons who Y/N was previously. His arm wrapped around Y/N’s shoulders, his hand pulled on Y/N’s hair from the back. “Ahh! It’s a waste to lose this soft silky hair.” He scoffed.

Iguro’s statement angering Y/N. “W-what...what did you say?” A tick mark appeared on his forehead. He pulled Iguro’s hair from the back as a result, continued to verbally abuse each other walking down the street behind Mitsuri and Shinobu.

Shinobu and Mitsuri suddenly turned around hearing the argument as she walked to Y/N’s side. “You boys best behave” Shinobu told Y/N softly, lightly tapped Y/N on the front of his nose. Mitsuri on the other hand was scolding her husband pointing a finger at him threateningly as she spoke.

"Why does Kocho's pet just get a tapp on the nose!" Obanai retorted.

At the Haori shop, Y/N was trying on his new Haori jacket that Shinobu had pre ordered, when Y/N was still in a coma, his arms slipping into the sleeves. "Looks like it fits perfectly" The tailor tugged the end of his new Haori. Checking the ends for symmetry. "The person who gave me these measurements must have been very familiar with your body."

The Tailor's words made Shinobu's face heat up as it became red as a tomato when she remembered the most intimate moments she spent with him. His warm body touched her skin while he was held in her embrace.

"Of course she is. I can say the same for him." Mitsuri laughed patting Shinobu's back realising what it was that made Shinobu so embarrassed. When Y/N still had amnesia, Shinobu was still educating Mitsuri on what a demon's claim was. "Y/N's so loyal to you Shinobu chan!" She squealed.

The voices of food merchants echoed along the alleyway, the sound of food sizzling under a hot plate. The thick scent of cooked food sizzling hanging in the air. “Takoyaki! Get your takoyaki here!” The calls of food merchants contrasted with coloured light bulbs lit up the slim path along the road. The boys sat on a chair waiting for their partner to return with food.

“Fried Chicken!” Y/N called out to the fried rice dish with chicken that was held in Shinobu’s hands, his eyes were sparkling with glee while a light trace of saliva dripped down the side of his lips. He ran to Shinobu’s side, jumping up and down like a child asking permission from Shinobu to eat the fried rice and chicken in her hands. She smiled and patted his head leaning forward giving him a light peck on the lips. “Of course! Anything for my Y/N” Placing the food into his hands.

Mitsuri on the other hand placed the food into Iguro's hands but before he could ask her if she wanted to eat together, Mitsuri turned to leave. "We'll be back with more food" Mitsuri and Shinobu both told their respective partners. "And behave yourselves!"

When Shinobu and Mitsuri left an eerie silence filled the atmosphere despite the constant noisey backgrounds from the yelling of the food merchants. Y/N looked at Iguro with a blank smile emitting some kind of demonic blue aura while Iguro glared at him, emitting a dark purple rage aura.

Iguro took out a small paper packet from the paper food box ripping it open as he sprinkled some kind of red sauce onto Y/N's fried rice. "Here, it's tomato sauce" He smirked as he continued to sprinkle more on his dish.

Y/N on the other took some kind of small clear crystals and sprinkled it into his dish. "Here is some salt for your food." He grinned.

"You better eat it quick or Kocho will scold you when she comes-"



Iguro found himself cut off by Shinobu and Mitsuri returning with a cup of cold green tea and a skewer of Takoyaki in their hands. Shinobu sat beside Y/N while Mitsuri sat in the middle of Y/N and Iguro separating the two.

Shinobu took her spoon and dug into Y/N's dish and was about to place it in her mouth. But before she could Y/N took a bite from her spoon. Chewing with his mouth closed but then a hot sensation covered his entire pallett. His face heated up and he was sweating. He swiped the iced green tea from Shinobu's hands. "Hey!" But Y/N had drank the whole cup. Iguro did the same thing with Mitsuri snatching her cold ice tea from her hands.

"Mitsuri chan I'm still hungry!" Y/N said as his stomach started gurgling indicating that he was hungry.

"Sure Y/N kun I'm still hungry too!" Mitsuri said as Y/N and her excused herself. "I'll buy some Sakura mochi and some strawberry daifuku"

"Those two are like bottomless pits!" Iguro scoffed.

"Ara...ara please don't say that about your wife, Iguro san" Shinobu smiled, eating a piece of Takoyaki whilst teasing him.

"One baked salmon rice please" Y/N stood in front of a stall that was baking salmon in a strange foreign looking oven. The juices and oil from the salmon leaked onto the foil. Mitsuri was next to Y/N holding her daifuku and Sakura mochi. "And please add ginger flavoured tsukudani."

"Y/N kun how sweet! You're still looking out for Shinobu chan even when you're hungry!" A blushed developed on her cheeks, hearts flowing from her head.

"Shino chan close your eyes say ahhhhh!!!" Y/N smiled holding the dish he was going to give Shinobu behind him as an apology for drinking her iced tea. Shinobu complied and shut her eyes. Y/N held a spoon that was filled with rice, ginger flavoured tsukudani and salmon into her mouth. Shinobu chewed the food and to her surprise it was her favorite food. She wiped her lips, giving Y/N a light peck on his lips.

Mitsuri stared at the two then turned to Iguro with puppy dog eyes, her emotions pleading her husband to do the same with her. During this event Iguro remained not knowing her request.

"Women!" He scoff, Mitsuri smacked him on the back of his head at his behaviour. Even Kaburomaru dared not to hiss at Mitsuri.

Shinobu Kocho X Male Reader:  VengenceWhere stories live. Discover now