Part 16: Dimensional Fortress: An undying love for a Butterfly

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Part 16: Dimensional Fortress: An undying love for a Butterfly

Here you go guys! The next chapter of my book you all have been waiting for.


Shinobu was faced with a difficult dilemma, crushed by the weight of the decision that had to be taken. To choose between helping her sister or the one she loves. She knew that Y/N was weak and pale, dying right in front of her eyes but killing Douma was the top priority. It was what Y/N would have wanted so she took a deep breath and made her decision. 

"This is what you would have wanted, Y/N. I'm sorry." Shinobu mumbled apologizing for not saving him. "Forgive me." 

Shinobu pushed Y/N's unconscious body aside as he rolled over, his face and body facing the ceiling. Rushing over to Kanao with droplets of tears flowing from her eyes as she rushed forward in midair. Connecting her sword with Kanao's as she spun with all her might beheading Douma. His body slowly eroding away from the overdosed medicine in his blood.

“Will I be going to hell now? wait...I don’t even believe in one…I know! I'll have Y/N join me so I don't need to be alone!” Douma mumbled with his head slightly turned towards Shinobu. His cheeks slightly blushing, staring at Shinobu with interest. "Are you Kanae or Shinobu? I think you’re Shinobu! You’re so pretty! Say? Do you want to join me in hell?" He asked finally showing emotions such as love. Attempting to take the lover of his younger brother even in his death.

"Ahhhh….I can see why Y/N Sama likes you so much..." He mumbled as a piece of his flesh fell onto the bridge. His eye staring at Y/N's unconscious bloody form with jealousy. "After all, demons always become obsessive over their claim. Why don't you forget him and join me instead? With the condition he's in, he's going to join me soon right?" Douma mumbled revealing that Y/N's obsession with Shinobu was because of the claim. Not only did his claim on Shinobu left a disgusting stench to other demons but it made Y/N incredibly obsessed over her.

“Don’t say my name like that, you worthless bastard! Go f*ck yourself in hell!” Shinobu replied smiling as malicious aura surrounded her “ sh*t head." 

With his last words, Douma's physical presence vanished and disappeared from the room.


After Douma’s disappearance, Shinobu ran to Y/N’s side. "Y/N?" Shinobu shook his unconscious and bloody form. Blood dripping down the side of his chin and mouth. His skin was pale from blood loss and he was sweating from shock. 

Shinobu watched the rise of fall of his chest, placing her head against his skin. Her wet eyes staring at the wound where her sword went through him, unable to concentrate on his breathing sounds. The sounds of Y/N's rapid pulse pummeled echoing inside Shinobu's ears. 

Frantically rummaging through her bag of medical instruments for a surgical clamp, she placed her hand into the wound. Blood quickly seeping, obstructing her vision but she managed to clamp the cut artery and stuffed all the gauze she had into his wound for bleeding control. 

This action made Shinobu realised that she used up all her gauze. She then ripped Y/N's haori apart and tied it around his torso for extra pressure. Y/N was stable. However, Shinobu was unaware that her blood containing poison was leaking into his wound while she treated him. Shinobu wrapped Y/N's body with her haori and placed her black jacket onto him like a blanket, wrapping her arms around Y/N hugging him tightly from behind. Her face nudged into his neck, tears transferring onto his skin. 

"I won't let you get hurt anymore." Shinobu mumbled. Regrets floating in her mind as she stared at Y/N's unconscious form. The events of their arguments playing on her mind over and over. The slaps she gave Y/N echoed in her mind, they repeated like a loop. 

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