Part 11: Swordsmith Village: To the Swordsmith Village

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Part 11: Swordsmith Village: To the Swordsmith Village

I'm back with another part chapter for my Kimetsu no Yaiba series. I guess your all excited for the next chapter so let's just get the ball rolling.


Uzui was resting on his bed with a tray of hospital food in front of him in one of the medical rooms of the Butterfly Estate. A glass of warm milk, plain simple soup. There were some plain meat and vegetables with a bowl of rice, and he was eating a small piece of bread. To his right was Y/N sitting next to him sitting on Shinobu's chair smiling.

"Ah? Uzui san! Shinobu didn't let you bleed to death? What a shame!" Y/N teased, grasping his injuries tightly as Uzui clutched his injury in pain. "Ah! I see Shinobu didn't give you any painkillers that's even more wonderful. That's even better than cutting your carotid artery, at least you will suffer longer. You tried to hurt my family Uzui san, now you are begging like a dog asking Shinobu to help you. Of course she will tighten your bandages to the point they will restrict blood flow. Serves you right!" Y/N continued to tease pointing at him.

He looked at Uzui who had just finished eating the rice and vegetables placing his chopsticks on the tray. Y/N stood up having noticed that Uzui did not drink the glass of milk on his tray.

"You didn't drink your milk!" Y/N walked towards the tray where the glass of milk is and picked it up walking towards Uzui. To his horror Y/N forced opened his mouth and forcefully poured the glass of milk into his mouth causing him to cough and choke. "Ah! Now Shinobu wants to shove wisteria poison down my throat! This is all your fault! Now drink your milk! It will give you extra calcium to heal faster." Y/N smiled as the milk continued to dribble down the side of Uzui's mouth and shirt. Feeling drenched he started to unbutton his shirt revealing his chest.

Y/N proceeded to forcefully climb onto his bed. Uzui jumped in shock when Y/N put his knee down between his thighs and pinned him down on the hospital bed. "Next time you don't drink that milk I'm going to put a heavy dose of rat poison in to add extra taste to it because you are wasting Aoi chan's contribution to the Butterfly Estate. She might not be able to fight like you but she sure makes good food and it's you people who are wasting her effort. The next time you say she is useless in some other way or kidnap her again this knee is going up further than just your thighs! Are we clear?" Y/N smiled inching towards his face then whispered in his ear. "Wait you're not even a demon slayer anymore."

Sweat started to drip from Uzui's face as he gulped shaking in terror, he sat there frozen on his hospital bed. He wasn't just good a blackmailing but also a master a schemes and plots, a true tactician like his mother. "You shouldn't have messed with my family, Uzui san." Y/N said blowing into his ear.

Aoi returned to the medical room having prepared a tray of bandages to replace Uzui's when she opened up the curtains that was closed for some reason and she just stood there, face flustered looking at the two of them in an awkward position and of course anyone who saw them like that would misunderstand. Uzui's shirt was wet with his exposed chest and Y/N on top of him in an awkward position so very close to his ear, smiling slightly.

Aoi then dropped her metal tray in surprise as its contents and bandages crashed down on the floor with the tray. Y/N having heard the metallic tray hit the floor turned his head towards his back and saw Aoi chan. She did her best to hold out a scream only to have Y/N cover her mouth. "I'm just teaching Uzui san a lesson. You will apologise right? Uzui san?" He teased grabbing his injuries again as Uzui grunted in pain.

Sweat covered Uzui's body as he bent down and apologised in front of Aoi chan. "What a good pet!" Y/N said petting his hair. "But that's not really good enough!" Y/N added slamming his head on the bed, smiling slightly.

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