Part 19: Kocho Estate: Piecing together shattered memories

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Part 19: Kocho Estate: Piecing together shattered memories

Rice_Bowls Yuuto Kiba is his OC in this story.

Thank you for the 1000k votes and 39k views. I never thought it would blow up this much on Wattpad. Because of this I will be releasing a special omake chapter in my next chapter upload. I hope everyone enjoyed their new year no matter where they are.

Well then let's get the chapter started.


Who am I and where is this place?" He asked looking at the stranger who is standing in front of him. His eyes with fear glancing around anxiously. He didn't know where he was or who he was. “What happened to me?”

It was there that Shinobu realised Y/N was suffering from symptoms known as ‘amnesia’ unable to recall the events of his life. His memories wiped clean of Shinobu’s existence. Suddenly becoming a stranger to him, the love of her life gone. She couldn’t help but remember his goofy smile and the gifts that he gave her and every memory she recalled felt like she were stabbing her like pin pricks.

His eyes glanced at the room like it was the first time he was there, not knowing where he was, with his unconscious memory wearing off as the effects of the heavy pain medication set in, leading to his current amnesia state.
Shinobu looked at him with pain in her eyes. She found it uncomfortable to even make eye contact with him, not because he seemed threatening but his gaze at her was just so intense. Y/N didn't know who he was, yet he couldn't stop staring at her. His breath was taken away by the girl standing next to him. It was like he was reborn, revisiting the events of his life since he was a child.

'Your name is Y/N L/N. You work as a demon slayer in the Demon Slaying Corps. I am the head doctor here for all hunters. My name is Kocho Shinobu, and I’m here to oversee your recovery"

Her tone was encouraging with a fake positive expression on her face. Talking to Y/N as if he was a child, exercising patience. Her hand placed over her chest, unconsciously clutching the ring beneath her uniform. It hurts. She wanted to tell him she loves him, she wanted to hold him, she wanted to reciprocate her feelings to him. But the man she loves became someone else. A shadow of a hollow shell that looked so much like her lover. He then laid on the bed next to the stranger who claimed to be the head doctor of the hospital he was staying in. Perhaps running away from something so painful to experience.

"Shinobu sama?" Y/N asked as his eyes stared at the blankets of the bed he was resting on.

"Yes, Y/N?" Shinobu smiled again. Her smile was back again, the fake smile she wore since her sister died.

"Then, I would like your permission to stay here until I fully recover and become your servant.” His hands grasping the bedsheets. His head looking down as he shut his eyes. "I don't have anywhere else to go but here." For some reason Y/N felt a burning sensation in his chest when Shinobu was smiling like that. All he knew was that it hurt him to see her smile like that as her heart was aching for someone else besides her sister.

"Y/N, you can stay here. I will have this bedroom prepared for you." Shinobu forced a smile on her lips again but Y/N noticed it but she turned to leave, closing the door behind her. Aware that Y/N wasn’t the man she had fallen in love with anymore.

When Shinobu left the room, she was immediately surrounded by the Pillars and the butterfly girls asking if Y/N had woken up. Her smile was still there, the fake smile that her colleagues and friends thought was genuine. She didn’t make a deal to save Y/N’s life at the cost of all of his memories with her together. Acting like she wasn’t even bothered by it at all but dying on the inside. Knowing that it was the effects of the anesthesia combined with the damage to his brain from blood loss.

“How is Y/N kun, Shinobu chan?” Mitsuri asked, placing a hand on her shoulder. “I’m going to bake batches of pancakes with lots of butter to help celebrate Y/N kun waking up” She smiled raising up a fist in the air with hearts flowing out of her head.

“Y/N kun waking up keeps me burning with passion!” Rengoku laughed as he crossed his arms, smiling that his disciple had finally woken up.

"You think you’re so special Kocho's pet, about time you finally woke up. How dare you make Kanroji worry for the months that you were asleep." Iguro scoffed.

Y/N has amnesia." Shinobu told them. "He can't remember who he is or who we are. He is not the same Y/N anymore."

This statement made Mitsuri's heart shatter into tiny pieces. Y/N was her best friend and they shared everything together.

She along with Shinobu then burned Y/N’s uniform that was covered in holes and blood with oil and matches since they didn’t want to be reminded of Y/N’s injuries and neither did they want him to find them.

"Shinobu chan, if he really doesn't remember anything, you know you could just reinvent who you are." Mitsuri said as she tried to cheer Shinobu up.

Shinobu thought about Y/N, wishing she could just erase the damage she had done as Mitsuri slipped yet another serving of a large bowl of miso soup in her hands. "Shinobu chan, one of the good thing here is that you spent your entire life with Y/N kun so you have the perfect opportunity since you know him better than anyone. You can even reprogram him. Tell him that he used to go to the bookstore with you, tell him that you used to read him bedtime stories,and tell him to do all the chores around the house" Mitsuri began blurting out creative ideas to help Y/N regain his memory.

But one phrase kept looping at the back of Shinobu's mind while Mitsuri was reassuring her. "What if Y/N never falls in love with me again?" Shinobu froze as she looked at Mitsuri's mouth open and close with no sound coming from her lips.

"Shinobu chan? Shinobu chan?" Mitsuri waved her hand in front to catch her attention but her best friend was lost in thought.

Suddenly, Mitsuri and Shinobu heard a knock on the door, and when they opened it, they saw Kagaya and Amane outside. “Shinobu” He smiled as he spoke in a fluid and gentle tone.

“Oyakata sama!”

Mitsuri and Shinobu kneeled down but Amane stopped them. “Kocho sama, there’s something we need to discuss. Alone if you must.”

In the living room of the Butterfly Estate, Amane and Kagaya were sitting next to one another opposite Shinobu, who was on the other end of the table. He then took out a standard sized envelope and placed it on the table.

“Before Y/N disappeared, he wanted me to give this to you.” He smiled passing the white envelope over to Shinobu. She looked confused, but deep in her mind she was already aware of what Kagaya was going to give her-it was Y/N’s will. She was mentally prepared for this since Y/N lost his memories but she hesitated before opening up the will. Her eyes scanned the pages and it read;

I, Kocho Y/N living in the Butterfly Estate, being competent and sound mind under the witness of ‘Ubuyashiki Amane sama’ hereby declare this to be my last will and I hereby revoke any and all wills by me. I further declare that this last will reflects my personal wishes without any undue influence whatsoever.

When I die; To Kocho Shinobu, my little sister. I bestow my entire financial assets including the inheritance I received from my father L/N Shinra along with all my personal belongings.

Shinobu, please excuse how little I have even if it’s only my whole heart that I can offer to you. Because when I give my heart to you, I feel like I am giving away little pieces of myself and the nostalgic memories we shared together. But, I don’t expect you to keep them because each time you pick up a piece of myself, it reminds you of me. I don’t ever want to see you sad so please just forget me. Please be happy, Shinobu. I love you.

The contents of the letter made Shinobu cover her mouth as her eyes widened in shock at his proof of worth and love for her. Y/N gave his entire life to her, she started to tremble as tears pooled in her eyes rolling down her cheeks.
When they left, Mitsuri opened the door to the living room as she heard sobs from the other side. When the door opened, she saw Shinobu sitting on the table. Her body was trembling as she clutched a piece of paper in her hand. “It’s...Y/N’s will” She told Mitsuri wiping her tears halfway down. Mitsuri said nothing but hugged her, seeing her best friend in pain and Y/N who was resting in his room heard Shinobu crying because of his enhanced hearing. He shut his eyes in pain hearing his master cry as he tried to shut his ears from the sound with his pillow but it only managed to muffle the sound a little. He trembled, tightening the grip on the pillow in order to muffle the sounds further.

"Y/N kun do you remember me? I'm Kanroji Mitsuri. Your best friend while you were in the hunters. We used to shower together.” Mitsuri slowly approached smiling.

“Shower? Me and you? How is that even possible something so inappropriate!” Y/N looked to Mitsuri with disgust. Waving his hand in front as of to deny Mitsuri's statement.

"We were friends, Y/N kun. Best of friends!" Mitsuri smiled wrapping her arms around Y/N stuffing his face into his chest. His denies muffled by her chest. "Let's go shower together again maybe then you will remember something."

In the shower room of the Butterfly Estate, Mitsuri in her demon slayer uniform was sitting closely behind a naked Y/N, washing his back with a sponge as bubbles started to build up. Y/N blankly stared in front of him poking the bubbles floating in front.

"Y/N kun how is it? Are you remembering anything!" Mitsuri smiled as she continued to bathe Y/N.

"No, nothing" Y/N replied as he continued popping the bubbles that were floating in front of him.

"Y/N? Y/N?" Shinobu's voice called out to him as she walked around her Estate trying to locate him as she required him for help. She stopped in front of the showering room as she heard Y/N and Mitsuri's voice.

When she opened the door, she saw Mitsuri in her uniform bathing Y/N who was completely naked in front of her. Y/N slightly turned his head. "Ahh! Shinobu sama!" He greeted as he smiled at her. Shinobu looked to Y/N with jealousy as she abruptly pulled Y/N away from Mitsuri. Covering Y/N's naked body with her own towel. Her face slightly turned red, as she didn’t want other women touching Y/N.

"Mitsuri chan what are you doing?" Shinobu angrily yelled out, she hugged him using her own body as a shield to cover up his exposed parts with nothing but a towel separating the two digging her face into his chest.

"Shinobu sama?" Y/N stared at Shinobu blankly blinking his eyes unaware what Shinobu was doing. But all he knew was that she wasn't there to harm her.
When Shinobu was dressing him, Y/N asked a question that made Shinobu froze. "Shinobu sama, why were you so angry just now. Did I do something wrong?" He just stared at Shinobu while Shinobu's head was looking forwards the floor. She gripped his clothing and turned towards Y/N forcing a smile.

"There's nothing to worry about Y/N" She smiled holding Y/N’s hand as she pulled him out of the shower room.

"Shinobu sama, Aoi san said that you like ginger flavoured tsukudani so I made your dinner. Sorry I couldn't make something better, but I see you smiling strangely I just thought that you’re not really happy. I just hoped that this food will make your smile properly this time because I like your smile. I don't know why but I just do." Y/N said as he passed a plate of rice balls stuffed with ginger flavoured tsukudani that he made for her.

"Y/N, thank you for the rice balls." Shinobu smiled.

Y/N bowed while sitting. "Shinobu sama please enjoy your dinner." Y/N turned to leave. But before he could, he was stopped by Shinobu's voice.

"Y/N do you want to eat dinner with me?"

"Shinobu sama, I already ate dinner. Please put the dishes in the sink once your done with it. I'll wash it."

Meanwhile at Mitsuri's house, Iguro and Mitsuri were side by side sipping a cup of green tea. Iguro slightly turned towards Mitsuri as his snake flicked its tongue also to drink from his cup.
"How is Kocho's pet today? Kanroji." Iguro blushed as he asked about Y/N's recovery.

"Y/N kun is recovering quite well." She smiled. "I even took a shower with him today. Y/N was so shy he was covering himself up. He was so cute!"

"I'm going to kill your pet, Kocho!" Iguro stood up, placing his nichirin on his belt.

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