Part 10: Red Light District: The Beginning of new arising suspicions

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Hey guys I'm back with another chapter!

-Let's get the ball rolling-

Chapter 10: Red Light District: The beginning of new arising suspicions

"Tanjirou! Zenitsu! Inosuke! Take Nezuko and get the hell out of here!" Y/N looked back at Nezuko who had her muzzle broken. She started to growl as Tanjiro restrained her.

Daki rolled on the floor again like a 13 year old child when she did get not she wanted and attacked her older brother Gyutaro. "How dare you attack Y/N sama and his guests! That's rude hospitality to the customers."

"Dammit! I'm not here as I customer. I'm just here to do my job. Let me do mine and let's settle this as adults! Please!" Y/N said as the anger inside him grew. In fact he was getting annoyed at her.

Daki's eyes sparkled like she's drunk and she hugged Y/N's leg. "Y/N sama!" She squealed rubbing her face on his leg like his loveable pet. "Don't mind my brother. Hey? Y/N sama as my customer did you like it? If you don't like it, we can go again and make a baby demon. Akemi sama will be pleased to have grandchildren!" Daki proceeded to trip him on the floor as Y/N landed on his butt. Y/N jumped in shock when she placed her hand in between his thighs and leaned over for a kiss. Before she could even, Y/N's foot smacked Daki's face and pushed her face away from him. But the harder he pushed the harder Daki leaned for his face. He yanked her off as she tumbled backwards at the wall.

"You're being too sadistic Y/N sama. I like it!" Daki squealed again. She jumped at him as Y/N kicks her away again.

"I learned my lesson" Y/N told her as he was trying to push her away, slapping her. "Don't you go anywhere near my lips! It's nott for you!"

Daki threw a temper tantrum on the floor rolling with her fists hitting the ground. "Niisan! Y/N sama dumped me!"

"Crying's not going to help. Let Niisan take care of this. I'll take Y/N sama's head so you can play with it to your liking for all eternity." Gyutaro said patting his sister's head. "You were born with such a cute face after all."

Upon seeing this, Uzui and Y/N looked at each other nodding as they both raised their swords and lunging in for the kill only to have wounds appearing on their heads as they parried off Gyutaro's attack.

"Not bad. Hey!" Gyutaro looked at Uzui and Y/N with his head dropped to the side. "You both managed to stop my attack. Perhaps you are worthy of my sister's love! Y/N sama."

Y/N turned his head in shame. "Please just stop it! What is it with you!" Confused why Daki wanted him so badly even trying to control and lure him. Perhaps she wanted him because Y/N was the son of the demon she idolized and respected. She wanted to have him all to herself and started to cry.

"I struck you both with the intent to kill!" Gyutaro said as his head continued to shift to one side like a hunchback. "Nice man" Gyutaro mumbled staring at Uzui and Y/N with jealousy.

He stared at Uzui commenting is features. "Nice face, nice skin, no spots, no birthmarks, nice flesh and a real tall man." Gyutaro continued to mumble scratching the part above his forehead. "You're a real ladies man."

Gyutaro turned to Y/N as he began inching closer to his face and mumbled. "A good looking face, nice skin and nice eyes, soft silky black hair, like Akemi sama" Gyutaro continued to comment. "I can see why my lovely sister loves you."

"For your information I'm already in a partial relationship with someone else." Y/N replied disagreeing with Gyutaro's statement.

"So you're also a real ladies man" Gyutaro mumbled again.

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