Part 17: Kocho Estate: Agony in the Estate

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Part 17: Kocho Estate: Agony in the Estate

When Y/N first woke up at the Kocho household, he was put to work as Shinobu’s servant. A boy that was born and made to serve her. The subtle smile young Y/N gave her always warmed her heart, one that left a strong impression on her because of his kindness. A human that was kind, happy and most of all loyal to Shinobu – his master, never eaten in single human in his life and stuck with her. Y/N was there for her no matter the circumstances and loved her no matter what she was pretending to be, this made Shinobu eventually fall for him. 

"Stop it! Don't take away Y/N too!" Shinobu abruptly stood up but because of her injuries her weak legs gave up as she slumped on the floor. Aoi tightly clutching her small frame, supporting it. Shinobu's hand reached out screaming out his name begging Death not to take another member of her family. She felt alone again. Her precious family dying one after the other. It infuriated her and she can't help but feel helpless. Everyone she ever loved leaving her grasp: her parents, her beloved sister and now her love taken from her. Death took her love away. "Why?" She asked begging for an explanation for the agony she is feeling. Was it punishment given to her from the gods? To test the bridge between their relationship? “...why is this happening to me!?!” She screamed as she helplessly watched Y/N’s spirit perish, sobbing into her hands. 

" to apologise…" Shinobu mumbled, feeling an emotional wreck. The sound of her tortured sobs muffled her voice. The sentence that came from her mouth came out like a mess. Her arm that was reaching out to Y/N slowly placed back down by Aoi. Seeing that her master had finally calmed herself. 

Shinobu placed her forehead on Y/N's and as their foreheads touched, she whispered a small prayer to her older sister who was in the afterlife with him. "Neesan...if Y/N is there with you...please...I beg you..I lost you already, I can't lose him too. I was wrong. I failed to care of the person who is so dear to me. It may be too late for you, but it's not for him!" She shut her eyes as she covered Y/N's face and torso with Mitsuri's haori as a sign of respect. 


“Neechan, Shinobu killed Muzan. I can rest in peace now, it's peaceful now.” Y/N said looking up at the sky. His legs kicking the pond of water next to a house with sakura petals falling on the ground. “I’m relieved.” Y/N turned to smile at her. His fingers crawling towards hers grasping her hand. “I can finally stay with you since everything is settled. I don’t have a home to return to anyway… Shinobu hates me.” 

“Silly boy, Y/N.” Kanae turned slightly. Her lips sealing Y/N’s cheeks with a kiss. Y/N widened his eyes in surprise, his hand touching the area where Kanae kissed him. “Shinobu can’t hate you. She’s always been in love with you. 

"You heard it yourself too! Neechan!" Y/N slightly turned clutching the area on the chest where his heart is as he shut his eyes in pain. The hand on his chest crumpling his uniform even more. "Shinobu said she hates me. She told me to disappear! That's what I'll do and stay with you." Tears rolling down his cheeks. 

"Y/N... people say stupid things when they’re angry." Kanae said, her hand placed on his cheek. 

"Neechan. I don't get it." Y/N turned his head closer to Kanae. 

"Hm?" Kanae hummed as she smiled at him.

"The demon responsible for your death is gone...Muzan is dead...everything is back to where it once was...yet my heart is aching. It hurts." Y/N shut his eyes it felt like his heart was being ripped to shreds, torn away from the person his love driving the two of them further apart just to see the person he loves, happy. "I'm not even truly happy!"

Y/N felt a warm hand on his chest where his heart was. "That's because you don't belong here, Y/N. Go back and be happy with Shinobu chan."

"No!!" Y/N continuously shook his head denying Kanae's statement, eyes drenched with tears. "I don't want to be separated from Neechan! I miss you! Shinobu misses you! I have to take you home so Shinobu will smile properly this time!" Y/N said as he slowly fade from the afterlife. He wrapped his arms around Kanae in an attempt to bring her to Shinobu, but when he made contact, his hands passes through. He sat there with frozen eyes widening in horror staring at his hands. Tears flowing from his eyes unable to cope with the guilt. 

Shinobu Kocho X Male Reader:  VengenceOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant