Part 2: The Butterfly Estate Incident

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Part 2-The Butterfly Estate Incident

Hey guys Tracy back with another edited chapter here. Sit and enjoy the show.

-Let's get rolling-

After a few days later (Y/n) groggily woke up to a wooden ceiling, no longer the dark sky with stars that stared at his face when he lived his mother. He felt sheltered but weren't sure who were the ones who brought him here. He sat up just remembering watching his mother devoured by a fellow demon right in front of him. Even though he hated her, she was still his mother.

"I have to f-find...mother" (Y/n) groaned as he struggled to get out of bed. A female figure rushed towards the boy pushing him back down the bed. He eyes welled up in tears.

"Don't move around so much, some of the wounds that you got when we first found you, still haven't recovered" Ms. Kocho looked at your with worry and tucked you in.

"B-but I have to go find her" (Y/n) sniffed as he rubbed his eyes. Refusing to believe anything she was going to tell him.

(Y/n) felt a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Sweetie, no one was nearby in the area where you were found. If that's the case she's mostly likely killed or abandoned you here" Ms. Kocho hugged (Y/n) and rubbed his back to sooth him.

(Y/n) just sat in his futon crying until Ms.Kocho though of a brilliant idea, to distract him. She left for a few moments the returned she held two hands clamped together and moved it forward to (Y/n)'s vision.

"Guess what I have inside!" Ms. Kocho smiled as she shuffled herself near (Y/n), her warm aura made (Y/n) stop crying as he sat there tentively listening to her. "Go on...guess what's in here sweetie?"

"Uh...I don't know....a bug?" (Y/n) guessed as he rubbed his eyes. Ms. Kocho chuckled, and opened up her palms. In her hands, there is a butterfly with black thick outline with turquoise circlets with a light diminishing purple and turquoise colour much like her Haori she was wearing. The butterfly flew on the back of Ms. Kocho's hand.

"Your quite right, sweetie" She placed hand near yours while the butterfly flew on the back of your hand admiring it's beauty.

"It's so beautiful" (Y/n) exclaimed, mesmerisedby its beauty. "But you really didn't have to trap the cute butterfly because it's fragile."

"Yes, butterflies are very delicate creatures and if I caught it incorrectly I would have damaged its wings." Ms. Kocho said as she freed the butterfly back to the garden.

(Y/n) then started to cough from his injuries when Ms. Kocho then proceeded to picked up a syringe with a strange liquid, (Y/n) then winces in pain as the needle makes contact with his skin. "There you go! You're all better" She smiles at him. "We'll be taking care of you from now on. My name is Ms. Kocho and these are my daughters." She pointed at a girl with long hair and a pink Kimono with flowers. "This is Kanae, my eldest daughter", then she pointed to a younger girl who had a butterfly accessory on the back of her hair. "This is Shinobu, my younger daughter".

(Y/n)'s eyes looked towards the wooden floor his hands tightly grasping the bedsheet looking like he was going to cry. He furrowed his eyebrows in anger "I don't deserve any of this kindness, since you know what I am...why are you still keeping me in your house?!"

Nothing but silent filled the butterfly household until an echo of a loud slap was heard through the walls, even the servants of the household ran in to check on their master. There (Y/n) was, holding his hand onto a red partially swollen cheek where he was slapped across the face and looked at Ms. Kocho with widened eyes, surprised at the fact that she had slapped him. She gently caressed (Y/n)'s cheeks. "You don't need to feel restricted in what you can't and can do, just because your half of what we all hate it doesn't mean you can't forge your own path ahead." She continues to place her forehead of his "Live the life you want.".

Shinobu Kocho X Male Reader:  VengenceWhere stories live. Discover now