2 | midair confessions | simon x markus

Start from the beginning

Josh just nods, reaching forward to squeeze his shoulder once more before he runs and leaps off the tower's edge. Markus hears the faint billow of his parachute opening.

North's mouth opens slightly, an explosion or a word of advice or a final goodbye on her tongue, but she closes it again. She glares at him. "Don't make me regret this, Markus," she says. Then she turns away and sprints to the edge. Glances back at him one last time as she flies into the air- and she's gone.

Markus turns back to Simon, who's gaping at him as he rushes over and crouches down again.

"What are you doing, Markus? The soldiers are going to be here any second-"

"I can't leave you," he repeats. Simon falls silent, staring at him so hopelessly again in a way that makes Markus's heart ache and break and heal a hundred times over.

Markus digs one arm underneath Simon's thighs, the metal sparking and leaking thirium over his jacket, and steadies the other hand on his back. Simon's hands dart up to grab at his shoulders. "I'm going to lift you up, okay?"

"Markus, it's not going to work, please just leave me-"

But Markus hauls him up into his arms, and Simon emits a low moan of pain. "Markus-"

"We need to be fast, okay? The soldiers are on their way."


He hears the door to the roof explode open. Doesn't need to look behind to know the soldiers have discovered them.

They have approximately three seconds to make their escape.

"Hold on tight!" he yells over Simon's protests and cries of pain, beginning his run toward the roof-

"What are you waiting for! Shoot them!" bellows a male voice behind them-

A bullet whizzes past his shoulder as he reaches the edge of the roof and dives.

He doesn't open his parachute yet, even as they plummet down and down to the snow-coated ground, can't until he knows Simon won't fall-

"Are you secure?" he yells over the roaring rush of wind in his ears.

"OPEN THE FUCKING PARACHUTE MARKUS!" Simon screeches, clinging on for dear life.

Markus lets go of him and reaches upwards to yank at the parachute straps. The great black folds of fabric billow open, then they're crashing to a halt and floating leisurely down through the snowfall.

"Simon! Are you alright?" he shouts, looking down to see the android - thank ra9 - clinging to his chest.

"ARE YOU INSANE?" Simon shrieks. Yes. No. Probably. He readjusts his grip on Markus's neck. Markus feels cold thirium leak onto his jeans. "You could've gotten yourself killed!"

"If I left you behind and they murdered you- I couldn't live with myself," Markus says. Simon gawks at him.

"Markus, you don't mean that- I-"

"You mean everything to me, Simon," Markus interjects firmly. "I mean that with every fibre of my being."

Tightening his grip on him, Simon shakes his head. "You really are insane." Tears stream down his cheeks as he smiles weakly, burying his head in the crook of Markus's neck.

"You don't understand, Simon. I-" Error message after error message besiege his vision and it feels like his thirium pump is beating double, triple its regular speed- this is a bad idea, this is a bad idea- "I love you." He whispers it, so soft there's no way Simon could hear it over the roaring wind and snow.

But life is full of surprises, Markus is coming to realise -

because Simon slowly raises his head to look at him, blue eyes wide as saucers and filled with the hope that Markus so loves.

"You- you love me?" he whispers. Licks his lips nervously. As if he can't believe it's true. Like love is some shiny, far-off thing for him to look at but never touch, never have for himself.

Markus laughs, delirious with joy. "Of course I love you!" he cries, beaming down at Simon. "You're full of warmth and light like nobody else I've ever met. And you're so beautiful - ra9, you're the most beautiful person I've seen in my entire existence. Just- take my hand."

Simon blinks. "What?"

"Take my hand and interface with me. Then you can understand."

The skin on his right hand melts away, exposing the shining grey plastic underneath. Swallowing thickly, Simon reaches out with a shaking grey hand, grabbing Markus's over the parachute strap.

Sky-blue eyes and blonde hair like a halo in the darkness. A soft hand grabbing at his and begging him not to risk his life. The raw hurt on his face as Markus pulls away and the pure terror he sees as he creeps toward the gatehouse. Simon beaming as Markus runs back with the key to the truck of biocomponents, Simon's tearful smile as Jericho rejoices, Simon wiping a smudge of thirium off his cheek Simon cackling at a dumb joke Markus made Simon biting his lip with nerves the wrinkle of Simon's nose as he laughs Simon Simon Simon Simon Love Love LOVE LOVE LOVE--

Simon jerks back, almost losing his grip on Markus and scrambling to regain his hold around his neck. Blue eyes wide and darting about anxiously, pink lips parted in a perfect O. Markus smiles at him softly, not sure what to expect - but he knows that Simon truly understands the depth of his devotion. Of his love.

Simon looks up at him - and bursts into tears.

Simon - his love, his world, his everything - sobs against his chest, body quaking and stiff. Markus's thirium pump stops dead in his chest. Vision flashes red-
no no no no NO what has he done-
this isn't what he wanted-
he should never have done anything, said anything, he's an idiot for believing for a second that somebody as perfect as Simon would ever love him--

Simon brings his head up and- Markus sees that he's smiling?- he's beaming through the onslaught of tears. Wide and bright and so full of unbridled joy that his jaw wiring must be unbearably stretched.

He's crying tears of joy. He's happy.

Simon is happy that he loves him.

Markus exhales shakily, could weep with relief, and beams back at him.

"I'm sorry," Simon chokes out, still sobbing hysterically, "I just- can't believe it- you love- you love me-"

"It's okay," Markus laughs. He stretches his neck as far as it'll let him to bury his head in Simon's hair. Markus wants so much more - wants to tangle himself in Simon's arms and kiss him senseless - but if he lets go of the parachute straps, they'll both plummet to their death. "It's okay. I love you."

"I-" Simon exhales deeply, visibly trying to restrain his tears. "I love you too, I love you so so much-" Then he's back to sobbing, his grip on Markus almost crushing.
The thought of kissing Simon is becoming more appealing by the second. Even if it means a painful death.

Markus closes his eyes, smiling, and settles for kissing Simon's soft blonde hair instead.

He's suspended midair in a snowstorm, his clothes are slick with thirium and his finger units are beginning to ice over - but there's nowhere he'd rather be.

Simon loves me, he thinks, giddy with the reality of it. Simon loves me.

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