3. Level Of Bitchy

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I watch impatiently as mom hugs Tessa tightly. Is this formality really important? I feel an eye roll coming.

"No parties..." Mom states as soon as she pulls away. "No boys..." She looks at me shaking her head. "And no alcohol." She finishes and hugs me.

"No boys? Mom you gotta talk to the higher authorities if you don't want any boys on the campus." I state winking at Noah pulling away from mom. Even Tessa chuckles at this one.

Mom gives me a sour look and turns back on her heels walking out. Good. Noah smiles and hugs Tessa and I walk out giving them some privacy. Not that they would do something exciting but still.

Noah comes out after a few seconds and gives me his good boy smile.
"Are you gonna miss me too, Noah?" I grin. He laughs and hugs me. "How can I not?" He says then turns to leave. I walk back in Tessa's room.

She has already started unpacking her things. I sprawl over her bed on my back.

"Why couldn't I get a roommate who loved to stay in and read and study?" Tessa says. She's clearly frustrated.

"That's because, everyone is different, Tessa. Plus, you had an option to change your rooms which you denied." I point out.

"I don't want unnecessary hassle!" She says taking out her books and arranging them on her desk.

"You don't even know what hassle is. You never hassle." I cock my head at her.

"How's your roommate?" She sighs switching the topic.

"I don't know. She seems sane enough." I say picturing Molly's pink hair.

"Good. At least one of us got a decent roommate." She half smiles at me.

"I never said decent. Anyway, you don't even know your roommate yet, so don't just go by her looks." I tell her looking at the music band posters on the opposite side of the room.

"Well, looks tell a lot. I think I'll be hanging out in your room most often." She shrugs lightly.

I sit up. "Wait, you aren't gonna take mom's orders seriously, are you?" I ask.

"Aria, you know she's right..." She starts.

"No! She's nowhere near right, Tessa." I roll my eyes. "Its College not junior high. After all that we have been through past years, we deserve some serious fun, don't you think?" I raise my voice.

"I know what fun is according to you." She gives me her judgy looks. I smirk.

"You are right, college isn't junior high. It's serious, Aria. We need to get serious. Our career, our life depends on how we perform." She snaps at me. Snaps at me!

"Fine. Whatever. You do your stuff and I'll do mine. Let's see where it takes both of us." I hold up my hands and she sighs.

"I'm out." I tell her walking past her. She nods at me and continues her tedious work. I pull open the door but turn back and yell in Tessa's ears.


Tessa shreiks and pushes me almost dropping me to the ground. I laugh hysterically walking out of her room.

I walk in my room and slam the door behind me. I'm in a habit of slamming doors behind me, mostly because of my mom but I hold no grudges against her. I particularly like this habit.

My roommate isn't back so I've the room for myself. I drop my bags on the table which I think I'm expected to use as a study table. My phone vibrates and I pull it out to see Brenda's message. I choose to ignore that bitch.

I change into my PJs and decide to watch some episodes of PLL and take out my laptop. Just as Aria kisses Ezra, I hear loud banging on the door.

"Molly, you bitch!" A guy yells. What the hell?

I shut my laptop and jump off the bed walking to the door. "Get out you slut!" The guy yells and continues with the banging. I pull the door open to look at a guy in a stained red t-shirt. He eyes go up and down my body. I groan.

"Where's Molly?" He slurs. God he's drunk. Everyone in the corridor is looking at us. I make a face at him.

"She's not here." I state crossing my arms.

"You're lying, let me through!" He tries to push his way into the room but I push him on his chest. He staggers a little and glares at me.

"Chick you don't wanna mess with me!" He spits.

"Keep walking you asshole. You don't wanna mess with me." I call out pointing finger in his face.

"Just tell her I came." He snaps before storming off.

"I don't even know your name!" I yell after him. A bunch of preppy girls laugh. I slam my door shut. How freaking cool this dorm is? Bullshit.

Next day when I wake up I see Molly sleeping in her bed. I don't actually remember her coming back here. Maybe she came after I drifted off.

What time is it anyway? I fumble for my phone. I groan and drag my body off the tiny yet comfortable bed.

I take out my towel and the toiletries pouch. I choose a cream spaghetti top and my black rugged jeans to wear and walk to the shower room. There are no separate shower rooms for girls and boys and the smirk comes automatically to my face.

I enter to see two shirtless dudes in jeans and feel my eyebrows going up in my head. One of them gives me a very boyish grin and I grin back. Good start to this day!

When I get back after a refreshing shower, what I see is people hooting and crowding in front of my room. I move them aside to see Molly and a guy shouting at each other standing at the entrance of the room. Guess that's the guy from yesterday.

"I ain't your bitch!" Molly's yelling at the guy. "Go fuck yourself!" People around cheer and hoot.

"Yeah cause you're playing bitch to Scott?" The guy yells back. Again there's a roar of laughter and hooting. He's not the guy from last day. God this girl's totally into guy issues.

"You're one piece of a shit you slut!" The guy snaps in her face and in a reflex I push him by his shoulder.

"What the hell?" The guy barks.

"Just fuck off! If I hear one more word, you'll be thrown outta campus!" I reply in his tone putting hands on my butts. People fall silent around us.

"This is not about you so just-" He starts.

"You heard me. Get out." I try to stay calm. With a last glare at Molly the guy storms away just like it. People start hooting and blabbering around us finally dispersing. A girl gives me weird looks but I ignore her.

I turn to look at Molly who's looking at me like I have grown horns. I roll my eyes at her and walk past into the room. She follows and shuts the door.

"You didn't need to do that." She says. She has this weird look over her face.

"But I did." I shrug. "What's up with these guys?" I ask. I know I'm envading privacy but it's not private anymore, I live in this room too.

"Guys?" She asks, her brows furrowed in confusion. Of course. She doesn't know, does she?

"There was this dude who came banging this door yesterday. He was calling you such sweet names, I felt so touched." I mock smile.

She raises her brows. "That must be Ben. I was fucking his friend still being with him. He got all clingy." She laughs walking up to the mirror. I don't even know why she's telling me all this. Wait, Aria you asked.

"I don't actually care, but this shouldn't happen again. I prefer peace." I tell her. She drops her mascara on the table and looks at me.

"You don't need to get all bitchy-"

"You don't know my level of bitchy." I smirk at her. She turns to look at me with interest. She shakes her head and I walk out of the room banging the door shut behind me.

Despite my irritation, I can't help feel a little thrilled.

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