23. Girl In My French Class

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I run down the stairs skipping multiple at a time. I know I'm stumbling in people so I keep chanting "sorry" as the mantra of the day.

I'm late and before you call me out as "usual", let me tell you, today's special, my class started ten minutes ago.

Damn my broken alarm clock, damn my discharged cellphone! I don't know I managed to bath, dress and finished my makeup in ten minutes. I didn't even bothered to notice what clothes I'm taking out and donning on my body. It's that kind of day.

I hurry out of the exit doors and the first thing I notice is a slick, black Ferrari. Wow, baby. Wonder who owns it. I sigh gazing at it and start strolling away, shaking my head.

"There's this girl in my French class..."

I scrunch my brows as my legs halt instantly at the deep, taunting, familiar voice. I turn and squint to stare at the guy behind the wheels. I feel my eyes widen.

"What are you-"

"...who is always late." Zed finishes cutting me off and smirks.

"You have a fucking Ferrari?" I ask stunned as the black tinted windows roll down and his smug face comes in my view. I can't help notice the cream coloured, body fit t-shirt that he's wearing.

"Not mine. Get in." He grins lopsided and leans in to get the door open for me then goes to keep one muscled, tattooed arm over the wheel carelessly. Smug bastard. Does he expect me to jump in right away and forget yesterday? Hell no. He doesn't know me.

"No." I answer and feel a surge of satisfaction when I see his perfect smile slipping off.

I hear him getting out of the car and the next moment he is in front of me.

"Won't you let me take you to the class, Arianna?" He asks and when I don't stop, he simply walks backward in order to flash me his cocky grin.

"Leave me alone, Evans." I stop crossing my arms.

"Please get in the car." He grins mischievously.

"Please get a life." I fake a smile.

Zed frowns tilting his head. I shake my head at his moronic handsome face and walk off. This time he doesn't say anything.

But he keeps stalking me all he way to the campus in his hotshot car. I mistook him for a hardworking, average, hot guy. Probably he comes from a rich family. Explains the self-satisfied vibes he exudes.

He parks the car smoothly when we reach the campus and everyone turn their heads to stare at the car but more at him when he steps out. A girl passes by cat-calling him but he pays no heed.

He's wearing a snug, studded black jeans which goes well with his tight tee. He slings his backpack on one of his shoulders and he pushes his hair away from his face in a neat sweep.

"Enjoyed the ride, Aria?" He asks bemused, green eyes shining under sunlight.

"Quite comfortably." I smile and start walking away faster and he follows me all the way to the class, not uttering a single word. I can feel his burning gaze at my butts. The thought brings out an unwanted smirk over my face.

Mr Dornan regard us with chilly eyes as we walk up to get a seat, careful to be away from Zed.

I turn to look at him. He looks as if he's at some dinner party, all comfortable and dapper. I release a breath and take out my notebook.

A girl sitting behind me nudges at my arm. When I turn to her she hands me a small piece of paper. I frown but then she motions to where Zed is sitting down the row. He winks at me.

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