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P.O.V Sherlock

"Where. Are. You?" I snapped at the phone.

"Hello Sherlock," The voice was Johns. He was being forced to speak on the phone.

"Where are you?" I asked again.

"Baker Street. Come at once if convenient. But if you bring anyone, John will be killed." He was most likely being held at gunpoint.

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine."

The line went dead.

I turned to run out the door of Lestrades office.

"Sherlock where are you going?" He called after me. I spun round.

"Don't follow me. Please." He nodded and sprinted out the door, and down to the road. I hailed a cab and got in.

"221B Baker Street. As fast a you can."

The cab whizzed through London. The ride felt like and eternity but in reality was probably only a few minutes. As soon as we got there, I gave the driver some money and ran up to the familiar door. I pushed it open and rushed up the stairs. I pushed open the door to the flat.

There was a wooding chair in the centre of the room. There was a sense of De Ja Vu. In the chair sat someone.


His face was slightly bruised on one side, and there was a small cut on his cheek, but it was unmistakably him.

Someone was stood next to him, pushing a gun against his temple.

John looked up at me, his eyes full of fear.

"Sherlock, so glad you could make it!" Moriarty's voice said.

He was sat in my armchair, but then stood and walked over in front of me.

"What do you want? What is all of this for?" I asked.

"You said it yourself. Your not the only one who gets bored."

I pulled a gun out my coat pocket

"If I were to shoot you now what would you do?"

The man with the gun spoke up, " I would shoot him." he said, motioning to John.

"Oh but you wouldn't." I replied. He was obviously bluffing.

I pointed the gun at Moriarty's head and pulled the trigger. He fell backwards.

I heard a second gunshot and quickly looked over at John. He was alive but grimacing in pain. I scanned his body for where he had been shot. His thigh had a large spot of blood that was spreading further by the second. I stepped closer to his before remembering the man next to him. I pulled my gun up and shot the other man in the head as well, before quickly untying Johns hands, and knelt in front of him. I put my hand over his wound, pressing down slightly.

I grabbed my phone from my pocket and phoned Lestrade.

"Get over to Baker Street, now. We need an ambulance and police."

"What happened Sherlock? Have you fou-"

"Shut up, just get over quickly. Yes I found him, now hurry"

I hung up then looked up at John.

"John? It's alright. I've called Glenn, he'll be here soon. Don't worry."

"Who? You mean Greg? Greg Lestrade?"

"Yeah, him."

He smiled a small smile.

There was a knock at the door.

"I'll be right back, I promise."

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