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P.O.V John

I opened my eyes. I was in a room with metal walls. There was no doors that I could see, so there must be one behind me. I realized I was sat in a chair. I tried to pull my arms, but my hands were stuck behind my back. So I was tied up.

I heard a door creak open. So the building was old? The sound of shoes cliquing against the floor. The person walked in front of me.

Fancy shoes.

Westwood suit.

Jim Moriarty.

"Hi!" He squealed in his vexing voice.

"What do you want?"

He ignored my question. "Your boyfriend should be here soon. Won't take him long to find you."

"and why's that?" i asked, furrowing my brows.

"It's very, very easy to track a number to its address." He replied smiling deviously.

Why would he be so careless? Thats not like him...


"You want him to find me?"

"Oh no no no no no, of course not... Obviously I'm not going to keep you here."

"Where are you taking me? You know he will find me."

Before I anyone responded, something hit me round the head, and everything went black again.

P.O.V Sherlock

"Hurry up Lestrade!" I said, annoyed. How long did it take to track down the location of a phone?

"Ah okay. Got it"

I read the address that was showing on screen.

"What?" Lestrade asked, obviously confused, "How is that even possible?"

"There's a basement here isn't there? Used to be used for interrogations, but hasn't been used for years. Most people who work here don't even know it's here."

"How did yo-"

"No time! We need to go! Now!" I rushed out the room, Lestrade in tow. We ran through corridors and down stairs. Eventually, we got to the basement. There was a long corridor. Most doors there were closed, but one was open. I ran up to the open door and went in. The walls were metal and there was a chair in the middle of the room facing away from the door. It was empty. I went into the next room.


The next one.


The next.


Empty, empty, empty, empty, empty ,empty!

They were all empty!

Moriarty must have moved somewhere else but can't have gone far, the call was made only minutes ago.



I pulled my phone out of my pocket.

"Where are you?" I asked.

"It's funny isn't it?"

"Where are you? What have you done to him?"

He ignored me.

"People get so sentimental over their pets."

"He's not a 'pet' " I snarled.

I heard something quiet come from the phone.

A voice.


"Oh, I must go. Ciao Sherlock Holmes."

With that, he hung up.

P.O.V John

When I woke up, my head pounded. I looked around. I was in a different room. This room was one I recognized. I knew this room only to well. I was in Baker Street. Why was I at Baker Street? I was once again tied to a chair. It was one of the ones from the table near the window. It was positioned in the middle of the room, facing towards the door.

"Ah, your awake! It's more fun when your able to respond."

"Why am I here?" I was confused to say the least.

He didn't reply, just continued walking round the room slowly.

Suddenly, I remembered Mrs Huddson.

"Mrs Hudson!" I shouted. There was no answer.

Moriarty's laughter broke through the silence.

"Don't you remember? She's on holiday in France. She can't help you."

Of course.

"Don't worry. Sherlock will be here soon enough."

He pulled his phone out of his pocket as a man dressed all in black walked in, holding a gun.

"In fact... lets give him a call."

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