A New Yet Old Team

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There they stood. The city Germany feared for it's high amount of memories was now in front of the two. This was the place he was raised, trained and brought together with his team. His whole life was dedicated to hunting beasts or losts.

"Germany, are you okay?" Russia asked concerned about his newfound friend. Germany tore himself out of his thoughts and looked back at Russia. "Hm?" "I asked if you're okay." Germany forced a smile on his face to show Russia that he was fine.

"Are we gonna stand here the whole time or..?" Russia asked confusedly. "Oh yeah let's go to the entrance.." Germany mumbled and started walking to a rather large gate.

Russia followed and soon caught sight on a familiar face. Not from this world but from his. He narrowed his eyes to view the rather small dragon sitting on top of the wall more properly. He now was sure that he was one of his brothers,Belarus.

Belarus spotted the two men and jumped off the about 8 meter (26,2467 feet) to approach them. "Never thought you'd return after what happened." He said,now standing right in front of the two.

"Yeah I wouldn't have but I unfortunately found this human a few days ago..I have to talk to EU." Russia felt somewhat hurt by Germany mentioning that it was unfortunate to meet him though he was way more bothered by one specific fact.

The fact that Belarus didn't seem to enjoy seeing him.

Wasn't he his brother? Even if this was a different world they'd still be related right? Why would Belarus act so strangely?

Since Russia was caught up in all sorts of thoughts hs didn't realize that he was staring at Belarus the whole time,causing Belarus to feel highly uncomfortable. Belarus eventually waved up to a second person on the wall who soon disappeared behind it.

The gate opened,letting the two enter the humongous city. "I wouldn't have to check you too for any sign of lost body parts, yes? You've been a team with him for so long after all." Germany nodded at Belarus and pushed Russia forth,wanting to get away from the dragon as fast as possible.

Ones Germany stopped pushing Russia up the stairs, Russia turned to look at Germany whose face was filled with regret and guilt since the two met Belarus. "What was that about?"
"I couldn't stand looking at him anymore.." "why's that?"

Germany eventually stood still on the middle of the empty street and sighed. "He hates me..he hates me more than everything else." Russia's eyes widened as he listened to the smaller. "Why would Belarus hate you?" Germany remained silent and resumed walking.

He knew it was a bad idea to go to this place. It was filled with people he knew. People who knew who he was,what he did and most importantly what he lost.

Germany just kept going on and on and on. He didn't even look back to check whether Russia was still with him or ended up in some side street. Just then he stopped as he spotted two familiar faces in the distance. One if them soon noticed Germany and pulled on the other's thin coat to drag their attention to Germany and Russia who finally caught up to Germany.

Russia stood still and stared at Germany,trying to find out what he was looking at though Germany's eyes were by far better than his. Soon Germany noticed Russia's confusion and turned to look up at him. "What?" "Oh it's nothing. I was just wondering what you were so interested in." Germany looked back to where he just saw the two though couldn't spot them. Maybe they were walking up the streets then took a turn into some side street. The whole city was a mountain after all.

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