Pt 14. A Day of Relaxing

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Seeing Sergio again turned out to be more challenging than Regina thought. Mavis went from minorly protective to full-on lockdown. Aisha had to come to see her, and that still meant not leaving her room. Atta was now working from home, and that kept Regina under constant surveillance.

Mavis said it was for her protection. When they got home that night from the forest, they all sat down, and Mavis told Regina why she was never to see Sergio again.

"Years ago, Sergio met his Fated, and they were a happy couple. Atta had grown up with Sergio, and they were friends. The four of us hung out quite often. Then there was a rogue attack, and his Fated and his son died."

"Sergio went feral; he attacked everyone in sight, even his siblings and Atta. He killed some wolves; one was a child. It took several warriors to take him down and make Scudo give back control to Sergio."

"He should have been forced out of the pack." Mavis spat out, and Atta wrapped an arm around her waist. "But his siblings vouched for him. He promised to stay near the border, only fighting to protect the pack."

Regina understood that Mavis and Atta were worried Sergio would go feral with her around. But Regina disagreed with them. She felt something from him and his wolf, something that made her feel safer. Somehow, she knew that he wouldn't attack her.

If she ever had the chance to meet up with Sergio. Mavis was checking up on her every five minutes, her window was locked, and Atta was at the front door. And until they could, 'trust her' nothing would change.

"Go along for a couple of days, they loosen up, and you meet him in secret. It's not that hard; I do it with my parents all the time."

Regina sighed and dropped her head into her hands; of course, that would be the advice Aisha would give her.

"Say you need to go shopping for Father's Day. We go shopping, you, me and Mavis. And if you somehow sneak away or get taken, it's not your fault."

'If I were kidnapped, Mavis would get even worse. I'd be locked in my room instead of the whole house.'

Aisha groaned and fell to the floor. Regia let out a laugh and, in turn, fell to the bed.

'I do want to go out. Shopping would be fun; I'm sure if Mavis went with us, she would agree.'

"Fine." Aisha held out the word, and Regina laughed at her friend. "I'll go tell Mavis; you get ready to go. Kalu and Barasa are down there, so Mavis should be good to go now."

Aisha was out of her room before she even finished her sentence. Regina went along, actually getting dressed out of sleeping clothes and brushing her hair. She really hadn't done much with herself; it wasn't like she was going anywhere. Shopping would be good for her, breathing fresh air and seeing people.

She glanced at the clock and grinned. Maybe she could even convince Mavis to go back to that woodshop. There had to be something in the shop that Atta would like, Mavis would know.

"Luce! You ready to go?"

Mavis knocked as she shouted, and Regina opened the door with a skip in her step.

"Well, let's go out then. Aisha sends her apologies; Mable needed her for something she didn't really explain. You good just shopping with me?"

Oh, this was all just a game for Aisha. She invites Mavis to go out; then she suddenly has something else to do. That forces Regina to spend time alone with Aisha. Smart.

Regina smiled anyway; it had been some time since she did something with Mavis. Looking back, they really didn't do anything together.

Mavis kissed Atta on the way out, and they went to the garage in silence. Music filled the car ride, and no one said anything until Mavis pulled into the Mall's parking lot. It was a painful drive.

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