story reflection

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I am completely happy with how it turned out! A few weeks ago my 3 or so drafts I had went no where besides a basic start, but after thinking about a oneshot that I did with my d&d group at school and this instantly sparked.

We hadn't finished the oneshot, but since our DM (Ritmary!!) couldn't make it, we continued the oneshot. I had to improvise, but that gave me freedom. In all honesty it was decently close to the OG.

I started the whole story on the Wednesday after that meeting, my chromebook was all the way dead do I had to wait for a charging spot to open up. Once one did, the class was halfway over.

Instantly I started working off of the beginning I wrote in Samsung notes. I usually write things there these days, so it wasnt hard to find after school. I remembered where I left off, but not the exact words.

Once I was writing though, I was writing. Im talking nearly 1000 words had been written by the time class ended. From then on I wrote snippets and got the idea 'I should kill EVERYONE off in different ways for the sake of it!'

And thus Kylan drowned himself. I wanted to make it a mYsTeRy since it was a suspense story we were writing, so since the oneshot had an underground cave, I built off the glimpse we got and drowned him in the lake. Hs didnt want to hurt his friends or something? I dunno, I was just on a genocide!

Next came Azek (aka dragonboi). He was already planned to be on a rock, so making him take a leap of faith was easy. As you should know, he landed it but hurt his wrist is the process causing him to loose grip. Easy kill off.

After him came Chime-me. Oh Chime-me, believe it or not she was my first dnd character ever. I made her towards the start if the year because I was going to join the tabletop gaming club at my school.

The confession of her and Zil's love was meant to be a barrier and have the characters think on how they've grown together. Though everyone's death was hard on the group, when Zil plunged the knife through the skull of my beloved bird, she did it because deep down a sense to stay alive was there buried by her feelings for the avian.

Remember earlier in the story when Chime-me had a 'driving force' to not do anything to Zil? That was the love she felt for the tiefling that kept her from ending the demon goat then and there.

I wanted to give the reader (initially me, my friends and teacher) something to get emotional about, even if the reveal was sudden. With the confession came emotion, from there I built on it with mentioning subtle things that happened purposefully because the two had feeling for one another but wouldn't express it.

With the intimacy mentioned, take that however you would like! Sexually or romantically doesn't matter.

The ship was already a thing, I forgot if I or Rit suggested it, but poof the lesbian bird and goat came into existence.

While writing, I wanted to throw in a few bird saying for the sake that Chime-me was in essence a giant freaking nearly 5 foot tall bird. I think I did well there.

All in all, the editing was the worst part of it.

I managed to pester a friend into proofreading it, so without them so many errors would be present with punctuation and formatting. Big thanks to them! I'm gonna title them Swerp after their discord.

I had also managed to get Rit to read it and another friend, although before I finished it off completely Rit forgot to mention that Zil wanted power. Thanks mate.

But overall the whole story turned out amazing, aside from the ending. At that point I was burnt out on ideas so it ended up becoming mushy and rushed junk even if the deadline was days away.

That's all I have to say about it, thank you so much for reading it means a lot to me that you took tome out of your day to read my silly school assignment for the sake of just reading it! You all mean the world to me, especially the friends that made this possible like Rit, Swerp and my friend who DM'ed the oneshot. Thank you all and have a pleasant day/night!

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