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Leeeezzz gooooo. Okay so this takes place partially in the timeline of the sequel movies the ones we all agree are just a big middle finger to the fans. And the other half in flashbacks to tell the backstory of the main character. So let's go.

3rd Person POV: Past

In the farthest corner of the outer rim there lays a planet known simply as Crete. The surface of the planet is dotted in various terrains. Forests, deserts, jungles, mountain ranges, fields of vast green, streams that cut through the terrain dividing the largest land mass.

The planet hosts various creatures of epic proportions. The vast life of the planet sees beasts of all sizes. Some friendly, some violent and the others in between doing whatever it takes to survive.

Yet the beasts aren't the only ones who populate the lands. 5 clans. There are 5 clans of people of that dot the planet.

4 of which originate from the planet of mandalore after its fall and the purge. Unfortunately the 4 clans could not find common ground and separated from each other.

The Víkingur of Valhalla. A group of war hungry people. Said to have mastered the seas of Crete. They have proved several times that they are not afraid to go to war and put little thought to politics. But they do know respect. They respect anyone who acknowledges their gods and can hold their own in the field of battle.

The Bushi of Yamataikoku. A group of people that value honor above all other aspects of life. Their islands remain impenetrable by the storms that rise to defend the Bushi from invasion. If they must go to war then whoever they face will be facing military tactics that are only rivaled by one other clan. They follow their code of Bushido to their deaths and respect those that seek the path of peace and not war.

The Knights of England. The second largest clan on the planet. Their walls are said to scrape the sky that hangs over them. Their armor is the heaviest of the 5 clans. A society of people who fight for one god and look down on the other society's and their different gods. They have a code known as chivalry and every knight is expected to follow it to their death beds. Their kings known to be as strong as their walls. They are undefeated when it comes to siege warfare.

The Primero of Crete. Said to be the planets original inhabitants. At first they were a pacifist society that sought nothing but peace. However as clans arrived to their planet they were pushed off of their land. War hungry leaders rose to entice their people to fight to eradicate the clans that pushed them off of their land. They are the largest of the clans, their numbers said to shake the earth when they march, to drink whole rivers dry in the span of days, and with enough blaster fire to block out the son.

However there is one last clan. The only clan to fall. But with their fall rose a survivor who is smiled down upon by the fates. A survivor said to unite the clans and stand firm against the Primero.

The Spartans of Sparta. A race of warriors that were said to be the strongest of the 5 clans. Every man, woman and child trained in the art of war. A proud society that was not afraid of war. Their words were few but held power within them. When they fell the severely outnumbered Spartans fought to their final breaths and for awhile looked as if they would win. All they needed was help. And help they did not receive. To this day only 2 Spartans remain. The last of their people. No one knows where they are, neither of them are aware of the other.

Y/N's POV:

I walk into a cantina unfamiliar to me. The patrons all stop what their doing and cast a glance at me. They look away before doing a double take to make sure their eyes aren't playing tricks on them.

I sit in a booth my head unmoving. But my eyes dart from left to right observing everything. She should be here according to locals.

A voice cuts through the chatter of the cantina and music begins to play. A woman's voice begins to harmonize with the music. The men begin to catcall and whistle.

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