XXVIII. Black and White

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All the way to where the other questers had set up camp, Gregor held tightly to the Death Rider's arm. He confidently led the way with the flashlight Gregor had given him, while Howard followed closely behind with Dalia on his back.

After about ten minutes of silent walking, the outcast switched off the light, and before Gregor could ask why, he spotted a faint orange glimmer at the end of the tunnel.

"Welcome to the orange lake!" The Death Rider ushered him through an opening into an enormous cave. "Given all that has transpired here, I really ought to have devised a better name for it by now."

At first, Gregor squinted to shield his eyes from the sudden brightness, but as he took in his surroundings, his jaw dropped in amazement. "Wow," he mumbled, staring at the magnificent, almost perfectly round lake that was being fed by a fast-streaming waterfall.

Gregor barely had time to register that it wasn't glowing because of algae but from a pool of magma located somewhere beneath when he was nearly knocked off his feet. Luxa's arms enveloped his neck in a tight embrace. "Gregor!" she shouted into his ear with a mix of joy and accusation.

Her hair brushed his face, and Gregor couldn't bring himself to close his gaping mouth. "I-I'm alright," he stammered, but before he could muster the courage to reciprocate her all-but-unexpected hug, it was as though Luxa came to her senses about what she was doing.

She released him at once, staggering back. "You are!" Her voice cracked, and a deep shade of purple spread across her cheeks. "I simply meant that . . . I mean . . ."

"We have all been deeply troubled," said Ares behind Gregor's back, and both he and Luxa breathed out in relief.

Gregor pivoted and placed a hand behind his ear with a wide smile. "I really am alright," he repeated. "We're both alright."

"And does "Alright" wish to dine now?" asked the Death Rider behind him with a wide grin and a teasing edge in his voice. Only then did Gregor take in the irresistible smell of grilled fish and the furious growl of his stomach.

"Yes, please."

Gregor released Ares, yet before he could take even one step toward the outcast, Howard had him by his arm. "First, we conduct that medical check-up."

Despite his hunger, Gregor did not protest when Howard led both him and Dalia, who had stood somewhat awkwardly on the side, toward the campsite they must have set up earlier. Despite his thorough inspection, Howard soon found that neither of them had sustained serious injuries. Nonetheless, he disinfected both Gregor's head and hand before wrapping them in bandages.

"You're really good at this." Gregor smiled at Howard, and he beamed back.

"Treating the sick is a profession of great honor."

Gregor nodded, briefly pondering whether his job as warrior didn't assign him a role that was essentially the opposite of Howard's.

His gloomy thoughts were disrupted as the Death Rider set down a stone plate with a grilled fish in front of him; the sight of the food instantly captured his full focus.

They finished their meal swiftly, and Gregor soon began to yawn. It was the first time since they had joined this stupid quest that he felt at peace, and he thought he was more than ready for sleep when Luxa suddenly turned to the Death Rider. "So, we are nearly there, no?"

This question instantly jolted him wide awake. There . . . It was the first time Gregor found himself giving some thought to their actual destination.

"Indeed," concurred the Death Rider. "The arena lies a mere half an hour from here."

Gregor's sense of peace was shattered instantly. Fantastic! He stared at the remains of his fish. As if today hadn't been bad enough—tomorrow, they would probably have to fight. They would reach the . . . Gregor frowned, realizing for the first time that everyone was calling their destination an "arena". However, no one had clarified what sort of arena it actually was.

A HENRY STORY 2: Trials Of The Fallen PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now